my first explorer and i have a few ??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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my first explorer and i have a few ???


New Member
October 10, 2010
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01 explorer sport
Hey yall!!!
I just bought an 01 explorer sport and i am a little confused. How come 01's are always listed in part directories with the old body style explorers? In 2001 did Ford take the old explorer and just put the new body on it? because my 01 looks more like the 02 up models rather than the 01 and older models.

Also i have code: P0402 witch has something to do with the EGR system.

The guy before me already replaced the actual EGR valve. I have a code reading list:
1. EGR valve stuck open.
2. Failed EGR pressure sensor.
3. Failed EGR valve.
4. Failed EGR pressure sensor.
5. Failed EGR position sensor.

I think i am just going to replace the EGR pressure sensor, but i cannot find it. I can see the DPFE module, is that the same thing?

Hope you guys can help, im really confused.

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I read that entire post, im not a mechanic so it is hard for me to understand, but i think you did a great job, I gathered alot of information from it, it was still very useful. What im probably going to do, is take it to my friends shop and have them test the pressure sensor. Well might as well have them check the entire system.
thanks alot

Dpfe is bad, they always go bad and Ford had extended coverage on this part for 5 years or 60K miles.

ok so thats about $40-$60 bucks, and easy to fix, so ill probably just buy the part.
How do i reset the computer?
I thought i just disconnect the battery for about 15 minutes, but i herd that was bad.

It's not "bad" really, but the best way to do it is with a code reader, unfortunately they're probably more than you want to pay.

yea the guy at auto zone reset it once for me, but said he wasnt suppose to, so i dont know if that meant it was against company policy or it was bad for my truck.
Thanks for everyone's help.

One more thing! There are two hoses coming out the bottom of the dpfe and I was wondering if they r under pressure or not? They r full of air ryt?

Those hoses go to the EGR tube off of the manifold. They are not under any pressure as long as you don't take them off with it running. One hose is bigger than the other and it is important that you put them back on the right side of the sensor.

Yea that would b bad, that would reverse the circulation wouldn't it? Thanks for all the help guys hope I learn enough to return the favor or help new members in the future
