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my new limited teaser pics included


May 28, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 limited
just picked up my new limited over the holiday weekend and so far so good.


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nice limited where u located and i like the tint

Great looking X! Those look like the rims that come on the Edge Sport, goes great w/ the Tuxedo Black.

That looks hot!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love those wheels, where did you get them?

the wheels came off a 2011 edge sport i traded in for the explorer.
the sports wheels centers are painted tuxedo black which worked out pretty well. the bigger wheels affect the ride the car is a lot more responsive and flat but the ride quality is not as plush as with the stock 20's.

gill72 said:
the wheels came off a 2011 edge sport i traded in for the explorer.
the sports wheels centers are painted tuxedo black which worked out pretty well. the bigger wheels affect the ride the car is a lot more responsive and flat but the ride quality is not as plush as with the stock 20's.

Wait, you traded in a 2011 Edge?? Didn't like it?

Wait, you traded in a 2011 Edge?? Didn't like it?

the edge was OK but the wife needed/wanted something she could pack all the kids and gear in.

Those rims are damn sexy!

Going from 20" to 22" rims, you will need the speedometer re-calibrated?

I actually had an Edge Sport on order, then ordered an Explorer instead. The Edge came in and sold very quickly.

Your buggy looks sweet!

Going from 20" to 22" rims, you will need the speedometer re-calibrated?

I actually had an Edge Sport on order, then ordered an Explorer instead. The Edge came in and sold very quickly.

Your buggy looks sweet!

no need to recalibrate anything with these since the oem edge sport 22" wheel and tire package is virtually identical to the 20" explorer combo to within 0.01%.

Looks really good! Love the look of the rims on there...

Nice truck, making me want to lose the fusion and use that as the new daily driver :)

Very nice look, like the wheels

Seriously F*cking HOTT!! You made me want and you got my wheels turning!

Congrats! Looks very sexy with the 22"s!!

I found a set on Ebay for sale, but x'd out quickly once I saw the dude shaved the rear center bore to accomodate a 2010 Edge...just be careful guys if you go that route.

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