My planned 4.0 OHV rebuild | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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My planned 4.0 OHV rebuild

Automatic, 2wd, yes 180 so I have to strip and paint them,
Thanks for the FYI

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Next mods will be bbk tb, tune from Henson if he's still on it, I'm still not sure about the efan I don't want to be paranoid about it working right

Well with guidance from this forum and especially JD I have purchased everything for my upper rebuild, hopefully will be done by next weekend.
422 comp cam
Lifters from Odessa
Pushrods from smith bros
Sealed power rockers from advance auto (best price)
Pacesetter headers (gamble)
Engine quest cylinder heads from Odessa
988 dual valve springs which will be seated by the guys at Odessa before they ship the heads and at no cost!
Felpro head gasket kit and head bolts

Now in trying to decide if its necessary to use "better oil" like royal purple or amsoil or if I should just stick to a more economic synthetic

I ran out of money so no oil pump, bottom is stock, definitely a street truck it's my dd, I don't know about the compression, the eq heads are like 95tm but better flowing according to odessa

Is it a EQ head or not? It will have a EQ stamped on it.there is a pretty big difference in a EQ head and their regular heads.also EQ makes a true 95tm head and the others are just early or late model (93tm or 98tm) and no way will a 98tm head flow better than 95tm heads.compression will be stock if its a 98tm or ""late model"" head.headers will bolt right up.

Are you pulling the whole motor to do the rebuild??

Too bad about the bottom end rebuild. Would have been great to bore this block out to 4.0 and go forged pistons. I've heard this can be done with older blocks, but I have not read about anyone actually doing it. I'd love to see te results of this!

Good move on the 422 cam, and heads. I don't know how I missed your thread. At least I'm subbed now.

EQ is stamped, my buddy with more experience will do the work for me being that this is a dd and I can't afford for it to be down more than 2 days, I doubt he'll pull the motor

Well it's all in! But my pacesetter headers aren't hooking up with collector so I will be taking a trip to the muffler shop in the am, hopefully they can fab up a flange for me and get this done. Any suggestions? Pacesetter 2.5, collector 2.25

A custom y-pipe might be pricey. Are the pacesetters not lining up or are they just too big for the flared y-pipe ends? I'd try to modify the existing y-pipe if possible. It's a nice piece. Then run a 2.5 inch off that to a baffleless muffler.

Too big for the ends, trying to find a local muffler shop to help

That's odd.mine bolted right up.

Wait where is it not bolting up? At the header ball and socket joint or at the 3bolt flange to the cats?

I think the first gen headers are shaped differently. They advertise to bolt right up though. The header to y-pipe connections need to be loose to line up the 3 bolt flange with the exhaust.

the header ball is to big for the collector, header side is 2.5 and collector is 2.25 :thumbdwn:

so since its my dd the stock manifolds will go back on for the time being:(

also by the time i got to the 3rd muffler shop looking for help 2 of the driver side header bolts had managed to fall out.

on a positive note when the muffler guy started her up he asked if i had swapped in the 302, so yeah the cam sounds aggressive. :thumbsup:

the header ball is to big for the collector, header side is 2.5 and collector is 2.25 :thumbdwn:

so since its my dd the stock manifolds will go back on for the time being:(

Huh did the headers not come with a ypipe?the ball and socket joint should fit if they both are pacesetters.your not trying to use the stock ypipe are you?

they did not come with a y pipe

they did not come with a y pipe

You buy them new? They should come with one.yea noway will it fit the stock one.I may have a spare one in a couple months that ill sell you cheap.that is if you can wait that long.I'm using it to mock up an exhaust but it will be new.

I got em new on ebay, I can wait, let me know when your ready to sell em.

I got em new on ebay, I can wait, let me know when your ready to sell em.

Mm that odd.may wanna send them an email and ask.from pacesetter they should come with the ypipe and should bolt right up to you have a part number or link to make sure they are the same?

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I emailed the vendor lets see what they tell me, I couldn't find a ypipe for my 2000 anywhere online today including pacestter
