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my ride so far...

Man thats a sweet 3rd gen! The wheels really pop with that blue.

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The blue rarely looks good on cars IMO, but this one pulls it off well. Nicely done sir.

looks nice man! Im jealous! Deffiatly got good taste!

nice x

Nice X man and keep up the good work. You know what they say about opinions.....

See its idoits like u who should really keep their mouths shut ive put alot of work into my truck and for u to say some foul mouth stuff like get a life and stop hating i like the look the only reason i may put step rails is cuz my family and gf are too short to hop up and i dont want rock sliders dumb ass cuz i dont plan on taking my **** over large rocks thanks everyone else for ur comments as for frost monkey shut up cuz ur comments arent needed or wanted here

Wow. Sorry for being such an "idoit", I apologize. I know you lifted it just for the looks but anyone who knows anything about trucks/wheeling would agree. You might not actually use sliders but they'd make your truck look better the same way that you're probably not actually going to use your ex for offroading.

Wow, this thread was going so well.

Like the truck, bluebeast. Most people here are pretty respectful and even when offering constructive criticism don't put it in childish vulgar ways. Hope to see more of your truck and your future mods.

"IMO the body lift makes it look like ****" is childish and vulgar? :rolleyes:

I wouldn't have said that in front of my mother, so yes, it's vulgar. I'm from the South, though. We have different standards of decorum and speech among strangers. Actually, I wouldn't have even put it that way to a best friend. Yeah, that was vulgar and childish any way you slice it.:rolleyes:

Dude you really need to calm down. This forum is different than most in that most people are supportive courteous and actually helpful or offer CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Not just saying someone's hard work looks like ****.

Wow!!! I think the truck looks great. body lifts work well on the 3ed gen's to fit bigger tires. Lots of hate going on here...

Every one has different taste when it comes to things like trucks, girls or music. What is right for one person may not be for another...

IMO... all mods are good. some just not be to my taste...

Very nice rig blue...
Cheers R...

Oh hows my punctuation and speeling???

Maybe we should just drop the whole thing? He said something with a bad word, the other guy got mad and replied with more bad words. End of story. I was disappointed that it happened just because most people on here are extra nice and helpful, but no one is perfect, so lets just move on with life and focus on our trucks.
Have a great day everyone :salute:

Tis a fine specimen indeed!

How does it ride with the truxx spacers on.

Nice ride

Love the truck man i have the same truck but in a tanish gold color. Where did you get the hid's for low beam and fogs? I like the look of yours!! Been thinking of doing them but habe been holding out for an easy install.

How did you remove your roof rails?

Depends on what you mean. To remove the cross bars you just have to slide them all the way to the rear. At the back there are little plastic squares that come out and then you finish sliding the cross bar till it comes out. As for taking the entire thing off you have to pop of the six covers closest to the body then you unscrew the 12 screws (two under each cover) and the entire thing comes off.

Explorer looks nice and the wheels work well with the blue. Keep up the good work;)

As far as seeing the frame, if you don't want step bars or rock sliders, but want to cover the frame more, then consider buying a frame cover like I have. Mine were on the Explorer when I bought it 7 years ago and I assume you can still purchase them(most likely from Ford). If you want, I can post up pictures if needed of what I'm talking about.

Depends on what you mean. To remove the cross bars you just have to slide them all the way to the rear. At the back there are little plastic squares that come out and then you finish sliding the cross bar till it comes out. As for taking the entire thing off you have to pop of the six covers closest to the body then you unscrew the 12 screws (two under each cover) and the entire thing comes off.

Thanks, sorry for the late response lol
