Need Help Asap!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need Help Asap!!


December 1, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Danville, Pennsylvania
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Sport
Ok i have what seems to be a big probem. I drove my x home after a quick stop to get something to eat, before i pulled into the driveway i pulled to the side and got my mail. when i put the x into reverse and began to pull in reverse i heard a very loud noise from my tranny and my reverse refused to work. does anyone know what this is. I was thinking it may have only been my reverse gear and it needs to be replaced but i thought i would ask the guys who know what they are talking about. If it is just the gear what would i have to do to get it fixed, around how much would it cost and would it be possible to selfinstall. Any help is great. Thanks Ryan

p.s. i have a 99 x 2 dr awd and stock suspension.

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thats your transfer case going bad.

thanks do you know if i can install it or do i need to have it replaced professionally?

Unless you know how to do re-builds, get it done professionally.
Depending on what exactly the problem is, I estimate 2-3k... But you won't know until you go see a certified professional.
This seems to be a common problem mainly for the 99 Sports.. From what I've seen.

You can replace the entire transfer case yourself. If you've never done it before, plan for the process to take about a day. Basically, you remove both driveshafts, then the transfer case's electrical connectors, then start on the bolts that attaches the transfer case onto the transmission's tailshaft housing. After that, its just a matter of supporting the weight of the transfer case and sliding it back. Oh and make sure you block/chock off the tires so the vehicle can not move after the driveshafts are disconnected.

Thanks for the help guys i am taking the X to a transmission shop on Friday. They are gonna rebuild my tranny for me. The guy says he should have it done by sun. All this for $400 sounds good to me.

Damn, just 400$?

So its the transmission and not the transfer case?

I figured it was, every time I've seen this problem on a 99 Sport.. it's the tranny..

Yeah my dad called his friend at the ford dealership where he buys his trucks from and told the guy the problem. He thinks its the reverse band so i was told on Fri. i am suppose to take it to my dad's other friends tranny shop. this guy does all the tranny work for the ford dealership. He said he would do a complete rebuild of the tranny for me for $400. Thanks again for the help though guys.
