Need help saving a ranger from the scrap yard | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need help saving a ranger from the scrap yard


Explorer Addict
June 26, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Battle Creek, mi
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
I acquired a 95 ranger that had been wrecked to replace my 97 explorer that had rotted away to nothing. Now a few months later i have changed jobs (by force) and cannot afford the more expensive parts to finish the repair. I am reaching out to the RBV community in hopes to have someone donate a radiator support and right inner fender so that I can get this ranger repaired before the township forces me to get rid of it.


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I wish they would, i pulled all of the parts off my 97 and tried to shoe-horn them onto the ranger but none of it was even close.

Thanks for the support Rick, I was finally able to score a salvageable radiator support and inner fender at the local pick and pull but i still need a right fender to be able to make it road legal. Hopefully I will be able to shift some bills around and grab one in the next couple days.
