NEED HELP with Invision DVD players | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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NEED HELP with Invision DVD players

January 12, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
Platen Luxemburg
Year, Model & Trim Level
2012 Explorer
Hi, I am driving my new Ford Explorer 2012 now for a few weeks and I LOVE it!! What a great car.

That Ford does not sell these cars officially in Europe is a huge mistake. Perhaps a European should be responsible at Ford for its Export (European Markets)?
Ford you are loosing enormous sales, you can bite a huge chunk out of the Audi, BMW, Mercedes and VW SUV sales. I will do it for you if you need the right person!
But now something totally different and the reason why I am posting this message.
Who can Help!!
My Explorer has the Invision Revolution IIG DVD players in the Headrests (the one sold and delivered by Ford in their new cars)
As I live in Europe and my little girl has (naturally) only dvds with region 2 she can not play her dvds on the players installed as they are Region 1.
The reason for the different regions was the fact that movies were released in the cinemas in Europe aprox, 6 months after the US. This is now not the case anymore. And having region 1 dvds makes that I would have been able to see the US dvds in Europe exactly what they want to avoid with the 2 regions.

I know that it is possible to change the software of region 1 into region 0, making it possible for my girl to see her beloved dvds when we are traveling.
As I can already play US (region 1) dvds there really is no reason at all to enable us to see region 2 dvds as well.

Who can HELP my little girl and give us the software or were to find or get it so we can see Region 2 dvds in Europe as it should be.

Hi, I am driving my new Ford Explorer 2012 now for a few weeks and I LOVE it!! What a great car.

That Ford does not sell these cars officially in Europe is a huge mistake. Perhaps a European should be responsible at Ford for its Export (European Markets)?
Ford you are loosing enormous sales, you can bite a huge chunk out of the Audi, BMW, Mercedes and VW SUV sales. I will do it for you if you need the right person!
But now something totally different and the reason why I am posting this message.
Who can Help!!
My Explorer has the Invision Revolution IIG DVD players in the Headrests (the one sold and delivered by Ford in their new cars)
As I live in Europe and my little girl has (naturally) only dvds with region 2 she can not play her dvds on the players installed as they are Region 1.
The reason for the different regions was the fact that movies were released in the cinemas in Europe aprox, 6 months after the US. This is now not the case anymore. And having region 1 dvds makes that I would have been able to see the US dvds in Europe exactly what they want to avoid with the 2 regions.

I know that it is possible to change the software of region 1 into region 0, making it possible for my girl to see her beloved dvds when we are traveling.
As I can already play US (region 1) dvds there really is no reason at all to enable us to see region 2 dvds as well.

Who can HELP my little girl and give us the software or were to find or get it so we can see Region 2 dvds in Europe as it should be.
