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need help with lighting !!!


July 28, 2013
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 sport trac
so i recently upgraded my interior lights to blue LED as apposed to the ****ty stock yellow ones, also did H.I.D fog lights,blue LED under my side mirrors and third break lights.... I'm now looking to do the reverse tail lights in blue LED, but I'm unable to find them on any site i order the so called " reverse tail light bulbs'' off of (http://www.carid.com/?gclid=CJ-fjffNobkCFcwWMgodSBAA3g) and it was just another set of the third break lights.. so my question is ... what is the reverse tail light bulb size and where can i find a blue led version of that also the sun visor mirror lights are still yellow what size bulbs are they ???? thanks for your help


ps: soon going to be doing a projector retro fit on my headlights so stay tuned for that

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sorry man its not i already ripped the damn thing out :s its a 2007 wonder if that makes a difference ?

sorry man its not i already ripped the damn thing out :s its a 2007 wonder if that makes a difference ?

The back up light I looked in my 2007 owners manual to find..the visor light I googled

yeah man i pulled both out today the one you googled is incorrect its just a supper small bulb and the back up bulb is wrong i ordered 4 921s and two i couldnt use for my reverse lights just the cargo ones

yeah man i pulled both out today the one you googled is incorrect its just a supper small bulb and the back up bulb is wrong i ordered 4 921s and two i couldnt use for my reverse lights just the cargo ones

Here is the page straight out of the 2007 owners manual..


Techbytrade am I wrong?

Since you have taken bulbs out can you take a picture of what your vanity bulb looks like?

ok so the sun visor bulbs are t5s and im pretty sure the reverse bulb is also 4057k ... like i said i ordered four 921s to do all the lights and was only able to use two ( for the cargo light) the reverse bulbs didnt fit at all the t5s are in the mail and when the get here and are installed i will post pics ill also get a pic of the reverse bulb while im at it

Reverse bulb is a 921. 4057 is a dual filament bulb used for the brake light.
