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Neighbors rolled Explorer!

Well I dont talk to the people, I used to talk to one over there but he moved out, but I still have his number.

His cousin, shes like 19 or 20, and her baby (Yea) were in the explorer coming down the road, (from what mike [the guy that lived there] told me) and around the corner a car swirved into her lane, and she swirved off the road right into a ditch, and from looking at the thing, its pretty banged up, not completely trashed, but nothing an average person like me would wanna tackle to get back onto the road.

Im sure the interiors gotta be good still, no windows arent broke I believe, and weve had 2 good snows, and a good day of rain since its been sitting, so im not sure how the leather is.

I believe its an Eddie Bauer because of the paint/interior color, its white on the outside, and Beige on the inside (or tan) and it was a very nice explorer actually.

Neither of them were hurt, but im wondering what theyre doing with it, its just sat for the last 2 weeks since its happened....

Im posting this because if a member on here is interested in buying it for parts or whatever, im sure theyd be more than happy to sell it...im sure the engines good and everything too...if anyone is interested in pics, I can try to get one while driving by tomorrow lol

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A thread in the "Whoops!" forum is useless without pics, Brian! :p:
Get over there and snap a few!

Haha thats what I thought after I posted, I didnt really know if WHOOPS was the right section but I think it is...

Ill try to get some up tomorrow lol

did u get pics up brian


I had texted my buddy who was the girls cousin that owned the ex, and I was asking how much they were tryin to sell it for, I **** my pants when he said she found someone whos givin her (I think he said) 250$ for it. I told him if she wouldda waited a month til I sold my 92, I wouldda gave her like 800$ for it and did a part out!

I couldnt get pics, because it started snowin real bad and the thing was basically hidden, but I went to the junkyard earlier today and seen it!

I happened to have my camera so I snapped a few pics, its a little stripped (More than what it was next door) but you get the "jist" LOL


(I wonder what "hydroed" means? She didnt hydroplane on a dry road LOL she swirved to avoid an oncoming lady in a minivan around a turn)

The visor is so cool, its got HOMELINK, and the voice recording thing haha



Yea, it didnt seem too bad from what I saw next door, but up close she was pretty banged up LOL

u gonna take any parts from that eddie and put it on ur sport

Hydroed... According to your picture I can't see the word before MOTOR HYDROED but I would have to guess the motor is locked up.

No it says good motor, and good trans (each car is labled good or bad motor & trans
hmm I'll have to look next time I go back LOL

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