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New here... Service Engine Soon blinking


New Member
September 3, 2006
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Carrollton, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Eddie Bauer
I have 2003 Eddie Bauer Explorer, with around 56K miles. Just today on the highway, I noticed the car momentarily struggled to accelerate, then the Service Engine Soon light started to blink, and the AC was blowing out warmer air. This all lasted about 20 seconds, then returned to normal. I was able to drive to my destination and get home with no probs.

Side note: The Change Oil Soon light just started to come on yesterday. But the Ford dealership JUST CHANGED it 2k miles ago. It's not due yet for another 1k miles.

Manual says I need to get it serviced immediately, which is not possible (Sunday). Any suggestions on what this could be? Should I stop driving until I can get it in?

Thanks in advance

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Ford dealership should have reset the message center to eliminate the check oil message, but that doesn't explain the symptoms you describe with your truck. He's right, have your codes checked.

Usually when a check engine light blinks it is a misfire in one of the plugs. But as everyone else already said go to autozone and get the code read they will still be there if the check engine light is off.

They checked the code and didn't find anything. That was over a week ago. But it happened AGAIN tonight. It seems to only happen on the highway during acceleration. Service Engine light blinks for about 30 seconds, I decelerate and get off the highway, light goes away. I guess I'll try Auto Zone? Something is definitely not working right. I could "feel" the car struggle during acceleration, then slightly jerk, then the light blinked.

The change oil thing was just a reset that needed to be done... not related.

I had this same problem with my 2002 explorer. Mine was misfiring as the others pointed out. I had 3 coils replaced and all new plugs and now runs like new.

How many miles you have with your 03' Xplorer? Reason I asked, Ford have an extended warranty with most of its emission components. Some parts are 5 years/50K miles, some parts are 7 years/75K miles. You may be out of bumper to bumper warranty but your emission warranty might still be good. When the "service engine soon" light comes on, 99% it is emission related. 2 things you can do, you can find an autozone that can pull out the code for you for free, you then identify what component causing you "service engine soon" light comes on. Then it is time to call Ford dealer service department, give them you VIn# for them to run with their database to find out if your vehicle qualifies for the emission components extended warranty for the component or part you need. Another thing you can do, If your vehicle's mileage is less than 75K and 50K, you can go straight to Ford service department to get it diagnosed, they will give you an estimated charge of about $90 for diagnostic fee, but once find out that your vehicle qualifies for emission extended warranty, that daignostic fee will be waived. You have to be specific and have them check if you qualify for the emission warranty otherwise they don't tell you that. If you are less fortunate and turn out not covered by warranty, just pay them diagnostic fee and its your choice if you want them work on your vehicle or since you already by then what the problem is, you can work on it yourself and will save you big bucks.

Regarding the Change oil soon message, check your manual. I do have a 03' EB Explorer (4.6 V8) and mine actually calls for 5K oil change interval and not 3K. Also, it tells you in the manual on how to reset the oil life to 100% through the message center after performing an oil change and its pretty easy.

I took it back in to the dealership today as the light blinked on me on the way in to work this morning. It's happening more frequently now. I have the Ford extended warranty. Between that and the emissions warranty everyone is talking about, hopefully I'm covered. I have already had Ford check the codes once, turned back nothing. So hopefully some code was stored this time around and they can tell me the problem.

Oh btw, my Explorer has 56K miles.

Yes hopefully you're covered by the warranty. Keep us posted.

They have a partial diagnosis as a "stage 2 misfire"... they are pretty sure it's one of the cylinders, but don't know which one. So they are sending me home with a flight recorder to drive around with for a week. I guess I press "record" when something happens. Weird, but we'll see.

I think they are automatic. Your recorder has controls? The purpose of these recorders are to store intermittent glitches from sensors like the TPS which could have a bad spot, and fluctuating outputs from O2 sensors. If there is a fault somewhere, it should get stored automatically.

It just has a red button to push. The guy explained that it records the whole time I'm driving, but whenever the CEL blinks at me again, I push the red button and it will "store" the previous 30 seconds and the next 30 seconds. Kinda cool, if it works.

My engine light went on last friday on my way home from work. I did not notice anything strange in my vehicle's performance except for the light that is kinda distracting. My sched to the dealership is only on tuesday, until then I do not know what's the problem.
I only have less than 18k mles, is that too early to happen?

Engine light OFF

Despite the engine light warning, I still proceed to go to a 105-mile trip last saturday. Yesterday, when I started the vehicle to prepare to return home, the engine light was no longer on. :confused:
I forgot to mention that when I first noticed the engine light, approximately 10minutes after, my fuel guage dropped to "empty". It came back to the original level after a momentary stop and I restarted the vehicle.

blinking service engine light

hey guys,

i just had my intake manifold replace due to coolant loss. One day later coming home from menards....Blinking Service engine light. It seemed to be running fine. Could it be that i need to reset the oil life? ug.. just spent $700 to get the manifold done and now this.. 156k 02 eddie. Any thoughts... btw.. I know.. I will goto autozone.

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