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new member/towing & suspension

Scott M.

March 28, 2008
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'00 Explorer Sport
First I would like to say thanks for the hospitality, I am new to forums. I would like some input on towing with a 2000 Exp Sport. I have a 18' boat and I know the 4.0 engine is plenty to pull it. However I have already had the transmission rebuilt, with warranty, and the brakes are in great shape. My question is, what are the best helper springs to buy for the rear suspension to prevent the sagging? Also, my Explorer didnt come with a towing package, what reciever package is best (reese, draw tite, etc..). And final, how difficult is wiring the trailer lights to the existing tail light harness? Any input would be a great help...

Scott M.

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I wouls say get some 4 door springs.

I'm with Dolpler, get a 4 door leaf packs. If that doesn't work, I'd run air springs. Do you have a trans cooler? If not get a huge one, or you'll just burn up the trans again.

Tranny cooler

Thanks for the input.... does the exp sport have a transmission cooler? I have found some for explorer's through a google search but I dont know if it is for a 4 dr. Will the 4 dr cooler mount on to my sport. Also, are the direct replacement 4 dr leaf springs the best replacement or is aftermarket the best way to go? Has anyone done this swap???

I have installed 4 door leaf springs on my explorer. They did bring the rear end up a little bit and are a direct swap. Mine were taken from a 2000 mountaineer, but any 95-01 4 door without air ride would be fine. The newer the better though because they will have less sag.

I have a hidden hitch brand receiver hitch. I like it. It is hidden pretty well.

For a trailer harness, you should be able to buy a harness that plugs into the factory connector up under the bumper by the drivers side tail light.

If you look in front of the radiator there will be a cooler. This is for the power steering. If there are 2 then you have a trans cooler. I'm not sure if the Sports came with a towing package option. The towing package, oddly enough, doesn't include a hitch. It's just a socket for a trailer wire harness, trans cooler, and a limited slip axle. I would just buy a universal cooler. For the price of the Ford one, you could probablyy get a much bigger aftermarket one. Check you door sticker to see what your axle code is.
