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Completed Project New Navajo Truggy build

Use this prefix for completed projects that are not "How to" articles or threads asking for help.
Rear receiver and Pintle hook.

Rear receiver hitch and pintle hook are done.


Pintle hooks are cool.

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Lake Arrowhead Dishpan Springs trail



Pretty much beat the S%@# of the Navajo for 3 days strait. Ran perfectly (almost, read below). Made it up everything I put in front of it. Got a lot of video, as soon as I put it together I'll post it on YouTube.

I bent my passenger side sway bar arm. I don't think I had the links exactly plumb. So when the truck articulated there was a lot of side load from the links pushing to the side. I'll have to gusset these arms and straiten the links to prevent this.


Carnage Pile. Hopefully Currie will give me another sway bar arm

2 thumbs up on this build!

Just spent the last hour or so reading this whole thread. Awesome work!

Im probably going to do a similar chop and weld the hatch back on just behind the rear seats, but then Im going to keep the back half and cut another hatch into a pop-off tailgate and make it into a regular bed ala sporttrac.

Ive been itching to use my little tig welder on something, and this should be perfect.

I need your support

Ok guys I need your help. My Navajo truggy build has been nominated for April's free Elite membership contest. Please view this link and vote for who you think is most worthy. At the present time I am losing to two other members. I would like your support if you think my project is worth it.

Thanks in advance

Steve Felix AKA Elgatoprernner

Here is the link

Truggy build link

Contest link

Love your build but gotta go with this "GRNMACHINE" guy... Heh Heh

Voted for you Steve. Always excited to see what comes next for the truggy!!

...Your link goes to your first page of you build thread..:dunno:

...Your link goes to your first page of you build thread..:dunno:

Yea. That would be the beginning of the build. There are about 14 pages give or take. It might take a while to read since it took me 10 months to build.

I'm not trying to cause a ripple here but I hope I don't lose to a couple of guys with bolt on lift kits and polished aluminum wheels. I made everything myself. Just my 2 cents


..The only reason I mentioned the link is, I thought you were trying to link them to where they could vote for you.

Good Luck..:D

Yea. That would be the beginning of the build. There are about 14 pages give or take. It might take a while to read since it took me 10 months to build.

I'm not trying to cause a ripple here but I hope I don't lose to a couple of guys with bolt on lift kits and polished aluminum wheels. I made everything myself. Just my 2 cents


Not to ruffle your feathers either, but your "truck" would qualify you for the "Truck of the month" award easy.

The poll you refer to is for "member " of the month. Looking at your posts, all I see is your posts in your thread. I am not slamming you in any way, but just so you understand the context of the "contest"

I already stated this is an awesome build--

Not to ruffle your feathers either, but your "truck" would qualify you for the "Truck of the month" award easy.

The poll you refer to is for "member " of the month. Looking at your posts, all I see is your posts in your thread. I am not slamming you in any way, but just so you understand the context of the "contest"

I already stated this is an awesome build--

No feathers ruffled here. Maybe I did missunderstand the meaning of this contest a little. Keep in mind that these other guys have 10 and 11 years of membership more than I do. I just joined last year. If you win by number of posts then I guess I'm a goner. No big deal guys. Were talking about $20 here.

Yea. That would be the beginning of the build. There are about 14 pages give or take. It might take a while to read since it took me 10 months to build.

I'm not trying to cause a ripple here but I hope I don't lose to a couple of guys with bolt on lift kits and polished aluminum wheels. I made everything myself. Just my 2 cents


WoW, just to set the record straight here, my previous sets of wheels were Not Polished-this is my first and only set AND some of the bolt on parts had to be modified using all sorts of equipment including sandpaper, spray lubricant, and even hand files !!

Just Kidding Steve, your Ex could be truck of the year. I have posted multiple times in your thread I have never seen fab work like it.

WoW, just to set the record straight here, my previous sets of wheels were Not Polished-this is my first and only set AND some of the bolt on parts had to be modified using all sorts of equipment including sandpaper, spray lubricant, and even hand files !!

Just Kidding Steve, your Ex could be truck of the year. I have posted multiple times in your thread I have never seen fab work like it.

Being cool about this is only making me feel worse. I didnt missunderstand the contest a little, I misunderstood it a lot. I guess its just my competitive spirit. Your making me feel more like an ass since your being so cool about this.
Can I take it back? I'm a newbie. Be gentle. Sorry.

Just voted for you Steve. Great build! Very good to see someone building their rig from scratch instead of just bolting on accessories!

Congrats on the win, you elite explorer you!

THANKS FOR ALL THE SUPPORT. The last year has been spent building this "thing" and trying to document it. I am trying to help out others now that the project is nearing completion and have a bit more time on my hands.

Thanks again.

Congrats, I read this hole post and it was like a best seller book, what's next? I'm addicted.

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Congrats, I read this hole post and it was like a best seller book, what's next? I'm addicted.

I still have some cage work to do. Box in the frame. Finish the S.S cooler and toolboxes that fit next to the spare tire (just need to make lids for them). I wouldn't mind getting some nice suspension seats front and back with harnesses. The motor is hanging in there even though the rod knock is loud as ever..
I would really like to the C-4 Dana 20 swap, I've been searching craigslist for that perfect deal.

Right now I'm out of commission for the next few months. I had C4-5-6 in my neck fused last month so I need to take it easy.
