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New speakers, need help

jonny 5

Well-Known Member
October 25, 2001
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Seekonk, MA 02771 (home), N. Dartmouth, MA (college)
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I konw for some of you guys this is trivial so just bear with me.

And yes, I tried searching
I just got Pioneers TS-A6867 6x8s

1.) Do I need speakers adapters?
2.) What are the colors for the speakers?
3.)i can't think of it

I need these questions answered rathe rquickly I you can, Thanks alot!

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Sorry if that sound wrong but I meant the adapters to connect the speaker to the wire and 2.) what the color of the wire in relation to - or + in each door

If you get the speakers from Crutchfield, the connector adaptors come with them. You can buy them at most audio places.

Or you can just splice in some extra wire onto the stock ones and put some female ends on.

not sure if anyone has ever solved the color question....which colors are + and which ones are -?
the world may never know

Thank You, LStoudenmire!!!!

On page 7 of 8, it lists the typical Ford in dash colors.

Thanks again!

Id make sure the wires are correct... I think we determined that for a 98 the chart is listed as GM for wire colors and wasnt for a ford. Double check what colors you have before proceding.

yeah definately get the wires right... i guessed on them and got 3 of the 4 right.... ended up getting a buzzing tweeter in one of them and had to return the set to get new ones...i just cut the ends off the stock stereo and twisted them right onto the wires that come with the pioneers.... figured they wernt gonna go back in anyway.... yeah those colors can be a *****... try wiring an amp to the factory stereo.... thats 10 times harder.... but i did it..

Get the adapters from Circuit City. They cost $6 and
save way more than that in aggrivation.
