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New to community, 2017 Explorer XLT


New Member
March 10, 2023
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City, State
Gilbert, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Explorer XLT
JT here, original owner of a 2017 Ford Explorer. Made some small mods here and there to customize, pretty happy with the look.

Recently had an issue though and was hoping to get some suggestions. Went to replace the stock emblems with led light up emblems but before I was able to connect them to my license plate lights, said lights stopped working. Continuity checks out at the plugs, swapped bulbs but cannot get them back on. Doesn't look like there is a fuse for these specifically (all other lights and functions are working). Anyone had an issue with just the license plate lights no longer working? What else can I check? I have a DMM so I can take voltage measurements but I'm getting 0 V at the lights when I switch them on, thinking I have missed something (obviously!) but stumped as to where to go from here? Any suggestions from the forum? Anyone else have this problem?

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Here's the wiring diagram, BCM's are super picky about what they "see" in a circuit and will shut down that circuit if they don't like it.

JT here, original owner of a 2017 Ford Explorer. Made some small mods here and there to customize, pretty happy with the look.

Recently had an issue though and was hoping to get some suggestions. Went to replace the stock emblems with led light up emblems but before I was able to connect them to my license plate lights, said lights stopped working. Continuity checks out at the plugs, swapped bulbs but cannot get them back on. Doesn't look like there is a fuse for these specifically (all other lights and functions are working). Anyone had an issue with just the license plate lights no longer working? What else can I check? I have a DMM so I can take voltage measurements but I'm getting 0 V at the lights when I switch them on, thinking I have missed something (obviously!) but stumped as to where to go from here? Any suggestions from the forum? Anyone else have this problem?
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
I don't recall a similar post about the license plate lights suddenly not working. The fuse specification list became much shorter with the 2016 refresh. I believe many of those items which had fuses are now controlled by the Body Control Module (BCM). If I understand your post correctly, those lights stopped working before you were able to do any modification regarding the LED emblems, correct? Can you confirm that they were working after your previous mods?


Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
I don't recall a similar post about the license plate lights suddenly not working. The fuse specification list became much shorter with the 2016 refresh. I believe many of those items which had fuses are now controlled by the Body Control Module (BCM). If I understand your post correctly, those lights stopped working before you were able to do any modification regarding the LED emblems, correct? Can you confirm that they were working after your previous mods?

Searched a new wording, tag lights, and did see it going off of 21 on the BCM. Since it shorted out it apparently just didn't deliver it any more voltage any more but saw someone suggesting to actually turn the lights dial off then on (generally in the auto position). This worked!! Was DOA for weeks and all I needed to do was reset them with an off/on. New LED emblems are installed and hooked up to turn on/off with them now. Not very bright during the day but really pops at night.

Searched a new wording, tag lights, and did see it going off of 21 on the BCM. Since it shorted out it apparently just didn't deliver it any more voltage any more but saw someone suggesting to actually turn the lights dial off then on (generally in the auto position). This worked!! Was DOA for weeks and all I needed to do was reset them with an off/on. New LED emblems are installed and hooked up to turn on/off with them now. Not very bright during the day but really pops at night.
Glad to hear they are working again. As for the newly installed emblems, you realize members are going to want to see them. A night picture would be nice. :)

