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New truck mods wishlist


Well-Known Member
March 14, 2003
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H-Town home of the twin drop top arenas
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 XLT
Whats up everyone? Alright Ive been planning my new truck for a while (Hopefully this one wont be wrecked beyond repair as soon as I start modding it...) and i wanted to give everyone a list of the mods Im getting done, so yall can suggest alternatives or give me feedback on how you think itll look so here goes. Imma try and start at the front of the truck and work my way back. The truck is Yukon Denali White.

1) X-Spec Airdam, with Red Strobe Lights in the bottom holes.
2) Billet Grille (an actual grille, not just one that goes in front of the stock) with a custom Red Ford BladeRunner Emblem
3) Clear Corner Headlights, upgraded w/ hyperlight bulbs
4) Auto Ventshade SS Style Hood Scoop
5) Lund Smooth Wiper Cowl, with white blades on the wipers
6) Clear cobra eyes (the lights in the windshield washers)
7) Sport Trend Running Boards painted white, with the center left black
8) White Window Deflectors
9) White Slotted Auto Ventshade Covers, and im going to paint my tailights with testors candy red transparent spray.
10) Color Changing Underbody LEDs, that change 7 different colors (though they will most likely stay red)
11) Custom Molded Roll Pan, with dual exhaust exits
12) Shave the door handles, roof rack, antenna, rear window wiper, and paint the door pillars, area over the rear license plate, and rear window hinges
13) Painted Turn Signal Sport Mirrors
14) My rims im having trouble deciding on. But right now Ive been highly thinking of some 20" White Steel Plate Rims (just solid steel), w/ Spintek Masks on low pro vouges, just cause i want something different. If the rims stick out, im going to get fender flares too.
15) Custom Black Leather Seats, with red bandanna inserts and my name on the headrests. Black carpet and headliner, and All the tan dash painted bright red. My best freinds dad does all that custom, so im getting a good deal. I might even get a Billet Dash Kit, but im not sure.
16) 7 Inch Flipout Monitor w/ Bulit In DVD CD Player
17) Lightning Audio 5x7s in Each Door
18) 4 Volfenhag 15" Subwoofers In 2 Bandpass Boxes Fqacing Each other in the cargo area, with a custom rack holding the amps, extra battery, and stiffening capacitor in middle
19) 7" Screen in each headrest
20) 10.2" Flipdown
21) VCR under the passenger seat, with RCA jacks, and a custom 12vt Socket for hooking up Playstation 2
22 Custom Manual Sunroof, which will be raplaces with a Power one eventually.

Well if anyones actually read this far, let me know whatcha think. This is just my soon to be done list. I hope to have all this done by graduation (Class of 04!!!). After that, im starting with the hardcore engine mods. Thanks for reading....


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probabally about 3500 alltogether (ive been shopping around for a while, so ive found some real good deals) for the outside, about 800 for the system (im hooking it all up and building my enclsers, and ordering all the stuff wholesale) . The Interior is going to be about 600 for the seats, 300 for the headliner/carpet, and about 300 to get the stuff painted. I havnt priced the rims yet though. I also forgot to mention, ive got 20% tint already, but im going back to get darkest legal all around, and 20% mirror tint so itll be real reflective during the day, and pitch black at night.

I would highly suggest removing nuber 6 and 21. Drilling into your hood just so you can install wiper nozzles that light up and look rediculous isnt a good thing. And I dont think a VCR is a good thing to install anymore, I mean who uses cideo tapes anymore, a DVD will be just fine. Everything else sounds pretty good.

P.S. I would also remove #4, never been a fan of thoses, unless you make it functional. Take a look at the EE cowl hood.

I think cobra eyes look good, so imma probably still do it. They look good when there clear, but not when there purple or blue or all that stuff but im not sure. But Im deffinatly going to get a VCR. I have about 300 tapes, and about 10 DVDs. If i hadnt found a Flipout screen with a DVD player, i probablly wouldnt even get it. I dont really like the EE cowls for some reason. I was going to get one, but the SS cowl looks alot better IMO.

PS Thanks for the feedback keep it coming

scratch out Volfenhag's and spend some money on some nice, REAL subs..a few of my friends have fell into the Volfenhag trap (high power, low price) and every setup i've heard with the subs has sounded like complete ass, and not handled the power they'd hope they would...spend the same amount of money on 2 Elemental designs 12s, or some Alpine type R's or somehting....

just my .02$

can you give me some more info on this? A couple of my freinds have volfenhags (3 12s in 1 Cutlass,, 8 10s in a Suburban) and all their setups sound GREAT. the volfenhags absolutly POUND and deliver clear bass in all their setups. Im going with 4 15s, wich are rated at like 2400 watts for 2. Im going to have 2 1000 watt amps, each bridged to 2 speakers in 2 bandpass boxes. i think itll really sound good based on my personal experiences but let me know some of yours so i wont make a mistake. Im going to have the hole truck dynomated aswell, so i think itll sound real good.

What is the purpose of the red strobe lights? Illegal?

if you consider a swap meet speaker a 'clear sounding thumping speaker' then thats your opinion i guess...get out, hear some real setups, and for the 320$+ you're looking to spend (random wholesale site price quote) on 4 of these speakers, you could have yourself two Elemental Designs 12's that i'd guarantee have better SQ and stroke a better SPL in a ported enclosure (other thing i forgot to mention) if you're gonna go through the trouble of making a custom enclosure or what have you...go ported...bandpass sucks..ask any of the audio guru's on here, just trying to make your 'project' better for the $

definitely lose #6, those washer fluid thingies with LEDs are not cool. and ya dump the VCR for DVD too. other than that sounds cool.

Spend money on a class to teach you how to speak and type first...

as for yer friends... i hope 8-10in subs pounds... but then again, you could get any 10, throw 8 of em together and they should be loud... :rolleyes:

You're obviously working your ego and temptations real well, and to be honest, you'll just suffer from lost of sleep knowing you have such sophisticated plans for the truck. (lol I know I did, that ended quickly though :p)

My dad owns a black Yukon XL Denali with an aftermarket Bose system in it.. sounds just perfect. But anyways, instead of compromising well over $5000 worth of modifications, you might want to consider priorities and being wise with money. I can tell you one thing... most people on this board do things in steps, and do it as they need something. Pushing for 20+ mods instantly in a truck doesn't make you look too good dude..

Start with what you want first... interior, exterior, sound, etc and pace yourself; so far I've had a blast modifying my truck.. it should be the same for you, and please, don't start running the tab with what OTHERS want you to have, you have the first and final word, remember that.

My only change would be from that pity VCR -> DVD; you'd be wasting your money on a technology slowly making its way out of evolution (and I mean slow).

i cant ditch the vcr man!!! ill be watchin the same 10 movies over and over. ill go crazy :p
and the red strobes are illegal but there going to have a switch. and i dont want 2 12s, im getting 4 15s or atleast 4 12s of whatever i get.

and whoever said i need to learn to type kiss my ass everyone knows what im saying.

Drift i know what your saying, but if you look all my mods really fall under those 3 catagories, and there going to be done in that order, just kind of rapidly... (sound system - video system - body mods - rims - lowering (possible airbags) - engine mods) but i see what you mean about having too many mods at once.

My post wasn't hate.. just I've seen (and heard) way too many horror stories where people load up their trucks with money out of the ying yang and no sooner later finding their credit being due, a house payment, and an overdue payment all in the same week. Priorities my man.

Just about every member on this forum is gonna tell you to ditch the VCR.. be ready..

He did say that he was going to have a DVD in addition to the VCR. If he has a ton of VCR movies I don't see why that would be so bad, because he said he will have a DVD also.

Firstly you can never get to well planned!
I have the upgrades to the truck categorized, and listed in the oder they should be done all the way up to the point when I have to make the tough decision(probably a few years from now)togo solid will be the question then if that is the case. Another side point I know this is a wishlist, and it most definately will change as needed financially as well as mods to occur

As for thew vcr, why, but tis your vehicle:D besides didn't I see both vcr and dvd listed in your list?

The LED washer things got to go!!!! can you say rice???

I also highly recommend doing a lot of research on each thing you decide to do with the truck, your phrasing alone suggests to me that you have yet to do this. And if you feel you are recieving a critical reception this may be why. Use the search feature, and in general research. Price shopping only shows advertisements, you want some reports from people who have done these things. The problems they have had or not had and excetra.

And lastly to respond to draft. This is a big bite and a lot of money to dump all at once. But if itis well planned that is part of the plan. Also it really isn't that big of a bite think of the cost involved w/ a SAS. Same concept its a lot of money to make what you love more lovely. so be it. Though I suppose adecade older makes life seem a little different. How about a few decades older al, for I am scared. lol


Originally posted by DroppedKamelion

16) 7 Inch Flipout Monitor w/ Bulit In DVD CD Player

21) VCR under the passenger seat, with RCA jacks, and a custom 12vt Socket for hooking up Playstation 2

Look again ;)

draft, i didnt think your post had any malice or anything. i like people gtiving me feedback. thats why i posted this list. but like i was saying, im 17, still in my blissfull years where i can trick all my money into my car and not worry about any of those things. ill worry bout them when i grow up :p

Dreamr, i have a much better more organized list somewhere, this was just my "off the head" list. Ive shopped and read reviews, tested products in stores, looked at them in other people cars, etc etc so i mean i havnt just been looking at prices.

And whats so bad about cobra eyes? the clear ones look tight as hell

if what you say is true, how do you think Volfenhag's sound good???

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Custom Manual Sunroof, which will be raplaces with a Power one eventually.

WHY IN THE HELL DO THAT???????????????????
