"Nightmare" | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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This is my new 1998 explorer limited. It's in really awesome shape and has quickly replaced my 1995 Isuzu P'up that I rolled last month.:roll:



Now... I have a few plans for my new truck. I already installed a cold air intake system and replaced the stock sub amplifier with a small 200 watt aftermarket amp. I hooked it up to the stock JL Audio sub and added two
6x9's. I also attached two turnouts to the tailgate.


Thats it so far but I plan on changing out the stock sub for a 12" sub and building a custom box to hold it and the amp.

My focus right now is to flat black the whole truck and replace the stock rims with the ones I pulled off my Isuzu.

My inspiration is Rob Dyrdek's UAV.

I plan on taking it a little farther and pulling off all of the logos and lettering and fixing some loose body pannels. I would like to lower it an inch or so too, but I don't kow how to do that. I'm gonna flat black the rims too.I'm gonna paint the word "Nightmare" where it should say "explorer" and UAV where it should say limited. I plan on painting the Batman logo over both oblong ford logos on the front and back and smooth out some of the body panels. I'm also adding some purple neon to the grille and underbody and under the seats.

Heres a basic idea of what it will look like on the outside.

I pretty much gave up on off-roading after I had to sell my F-150 and I did... this, Stupidly, without 4 wheel drive.

I don't much think I'm one for off-roading anymore, especially in Tampa... there are too many rednecks and wanna-be rednecks out here anyway. I really want a truck that will reflect my surf and skate style so if anyone has any suggestions let me hear 'em.



So.... here's what i've been up to. First off I have the first coat of paint on the truck. it's still a little rough but since i'm doing all the sanding and manual labor myself (cuz it's cheaper that way) i will have to live with it between steps. But the whole truck is flat black except for the insides of the door pannels. oh yeah and the rims off my isuzu were destroyed in the accident, one was offset by about an inch, and the other by 1/2 an inch, so I also painted the stock rims that came with the explorer. I'm soooooooo gald i did because the other rims actually looked kinda stupid compared to these once they were blacked out. I also added some BAD ASS 31" all terrains which were as big as i could fit and still be able to turn properly.


I blacked out the taillights and logos and updated my sound system a little. the logos will eventually be shaved off and replacd with the trucks nickname, which was origionally gonna be "Nightmare" but the truck has now affectionately been dubbed "Thugmobile" (LAME!) "The BEAST" "The Tumbler" (from the dark knight) and of course "The MACHINE!" so i'm at a bit of a quandry as to which name i will choose, but eventually One will prevail over the others. I also replaced the ford logos with the batman symbol in chrome and black.(Thanks for the tip ESSEX4x4)


The speaker boxes are still a little ghetto because i miss measured on the drivers side but i've added 1200 watts and two 12" subs to my existing 200 watts, 6x9's, and turnout 5's. but instead of fixing the boxes i have decided that i am going to customize the entire interior of the back of the truck in fiberglass. that way i can push the speakers back, get rid of the ghetto boxes and fully customize the interior while saving the most space for my boards and stuff.




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I don't think I'd flat black that nice of an explorer.

Thanks, I am a professional photographer, so I enjoy some feedback

as far as the paint, well... it's got some damage to the passengers side front quarter pannel and the two rear panels so it needs some paint anyways.

Is "nightmare" going to be in the same style/font as "explorer"? That might look pretty cool if so.

welcome and nice x u got there as well

Yeah that sounds awesome, I hadn't really put much thought into the lettering but that is a good idea.

... yeah... thats a teddy bear we blew up.

long story
