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Nitto tire question/comparison

I currently have BFG KM2 MT's on my truck, and they are shot. So I was looking at trying the Nitto Trail Grappler MT. Little cheaper then the BFG 's. Plus I got stuck several times on a muddy hill with my BFG's. Anyone else try these Nittos?

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Everything I've read says the Nitto's use softer rubber then BFG, I would think they would wear out even faster especailly on-road driving since you still use your ST as a daily driver. Read alot of good things about General Grabbers and the newer GoodYears from all over the web and multiple forums.

i got the hankook dynapro atms and i love them. check them out.

Hankooks, that's the other tire brand I heard great things about, My cousin has them on his 2500HD (the knobby ones) can't remember what their name is but he uses his truck for everything on and offroad and fire rescue for his Fire Dept. he part of.

I think I am going to try the Nitto's. I ran the BFG' for a long time, and I honestly was not happy with their mud performance the few times I was in the mud. They were great on the rocks, and were not loud on the street, but I can get the Nittos for $280.00 each to my door vs. $308.00 each for the BFG. So a little savings is a good thing.

I am running the 37" mud grapplers and like them so far. however they are heavy

Yeah that mud grappler looks a little to intense for a daily driver. I honestly just was not happy with the performance of the BFG's. I know alot of people run them and love them, I would like to try the new GY MTR's but they have backorder of over 6 months for a
17" diameter tire, so they are out.
