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NO START need help only daily driver


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July 6, 2004
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Let me start at the beginning, Wife was on the way home on route 380 when the X died on her, would not start.:roll: and the police pushed her to a lot off the blvd. called AAA and an hour later they showed up but when they pulled the X up on the flatbed gas started gushing out under the X by behind the drivers door and AAA lowered it back to the ground and said they couldn't tow it but they brought her home,it was less than 1/2 mile. I called my son and he and I went to the car and I unplugged and replugged the crankshaft position sensor as this happened about a month ago and the X started but not this time,here is where it gets good, my son and I repositioned the X so the next AAA tow would have to pull it onto the truck backwards. (no fuel leak) I uncrossed my fingers and arrived home about 15 minutes later,it was now 10:45pm. too late to do anything had to wait till morning. This morning I went out and turned the key o on for a minute then tried to start it and got a backfire,this was new.Now I'm thinking it has spark and fuel so the timing has to be off,could the crankshaft sensor go bad after 2 years? I need help and not much money

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replaced fuel filter and ckp sensor still no start,next the camshaft sensor:roll:

and what engine are "we" talking about???

... but when they pulled the X up on the flatbed gas started gushing out under the X by behind the drivers door ...

This statement greatly worries me. Was this gas leaking from where the fuel lines connect to the fuel filter? Also, when did you last replace the fuel filter prior to all this happening?

... I unplugged and replugged the crankshaft position sensor as this happened about a month ago and the X started but not this time...

What were the symptoms of the problem a month ago? And how did you fix it then?

... I repositioned the X so the next AAA tow would have to pull it onto the truck backwards. (no fuel leak)...

I do not understand how backing the truck onto a ramp would prevent a fuel leak. That incline would place the fuel tank above the leak (assumed to be near the fuel filter) and cause gas to spill out, unless the tank was empty at this point.

answers to quetions

1,97 4.0 SOHC
2.wife said behind the driver side door towards the middle,I was not there
3.I never replaced the fuel filter in the 5 years I owned it. I was making good money when I bought the X and shortly lost that job so it has been fix what's broken to keep it going,I fixed the chain cassettes when 1 let go,a real pita,I replaced the crankshaft sensor the last time I had a no start problem and again today with a fuel filter.still no go will get a camshaft sensor tomorrow. As for the fuel level it was at 3/4 tank now just under 3/4 and it did not leak when AAA pulled it onto the flatbed backwards.go figure.BTW fuel looked clean from the old filter.

well with that engine as probably know why, I would suggest you do a compression test to check the "mechanical sanity". IF things are "fine", I would then try a "squirt" and starting fluid and see if it fires up. The "fuel leak" sounds "funny". I would check lines to and from the regulator along with the regular itself ("wet" leaks in the vacuum line).

Since I have a 5.0 V8 I am not familiar with this engine.

2.wife said behind the driver side door towards the middle
If you do get it started I would immediately check for leaks in that area. The push spring fuel filter connectors there could have failed. Also, there was a recall on your vehicle related to fuel lines and jump starting: NHTSA recall summary You can also find all other recalls on this page.

I replaced the crankshaft sensor the last time I had a no start problem and again today with a fuel filter.still no go will get a camshaft sensor tomorrow.
Are you getting error codes to suspect these sensors? I don't think the crankshaft sensor would go bad that quickly.

Finally, there is a fuel pump inertia shut off switch usually located under the glove box. If that was tripped there should be a "FUEL RESET" light lit on the dash and the switch must be reset to restore fuel pressure.

more answers to people trying to help

mechanical sanity fine,fuel filter was not leaking,the leak was in the middle of the X,fuel filter is by engine,wrong CSS so I have to wait until tomorrow to replace that sensor,check engine light went south about a year ago so no cel,The only test tools I have is a circuit tester and an obsolete OBD1 tester I bought for a previous car when I had expendable money. I paid $350.00 for that one and now I can't afford an OBD2 one.The fuel pump inertia shut off switch was the first thing I checked after I did the disconnect/reconnect of the crankshaft sensor. Now I should mention that in the months leading up to this I spent a good deal of money for home and personal protection,my wife and I both have our CCW in case the SHTF we want to be prepared, so no savings left to draw on just current pay checks.The good if you can call it that is I'm on vacation until the 7th.I start at 5:30 am and no bus around to catch.So I need help.

oh well

going to JD BYRYDER tomorrow,I need a car by Tuesday am. Thanks for the replies.I love the X so I will continue to work on it.

JD BYRYDER waste of time

replaced cam sensor and all I got was a backfire,back to the drawing board

compression test results?

well with that engine as probably know why, I would suggest you do a compression test to check the "mechanical sanity". . .

mechanical sanity fine. . .

What were your compression test results? If all cylinders were low on one bank that usually means slipped timing chain.

response to ?

no compression tester yet,I used the finger in spark plug hole to verify compression, I have since won a Professional SUPER CAN OBD2 OBD II Code Scanner /Reader also a Kal Multiprobe Logic Voltage Continuity KM2564 probe to check wires all from Ebay And I bought an inline spark tester.

I dont intend to be a smart ass but if money is so tight then a $50 scanner from autiozone or harbor freight and a repair manual would be the smarter investment.


I would not call you a smart ass because you are not aware of all the facts.
1,when I bought the car I also went to Ebay and won the two factory manuals for $30.00,not as helpful as you might think but great price.
2,the OBD2 scanner/reader I won for $51.00 shipped,better than $50.00 for just a code reader,hope it's as good as my old autoxray xp240 obd1
3,I was going to get an OBD2 sooner or later it just became sooner.
4,I found my old compression tester I bought when I was a teen and had a 65 GTO but laying around for 30 some years has taken it's toll so I'll have to get a new one.
5, The continuity probe is so I can trace the wiring if necessary in the future and an $89.00 tool for $16.00 shipped was a good deal.
I have to think ahead when I buy a tool so I don't waste money duplicating what 1 tool would do if it's the right one.

Well I used my new scanner and no error codes,Bought a 2000 Saturn for work and grocery getter so I have more time to figure this out,waiting on compression tester set I won for $19.00 on Ebay,better than $30.00 some dollors at Pepboys. Will update when I can.

OK finally did compression test. (left side cranking was 15 psi-right side 60 psi cranking) so I'm guessing that rear chain is ok,any guesses as to which chain is the problem?
