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opinions needed...thankyou


New Member
March 19, 2006
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Cleveland, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 explorer
I just got a 02 Exlporer XLS and was wondering what you all thought I should get in terms of subs...(12's,15's, 10's...w.e ) Under $1000 would be real nice too...thanks

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each size sub gives a different sound go onto cructhfield.com and the have a page that will tell you what size is best for what you listen to and also tell you what kind of box is best for you lots of good advice on the site

when you're talking about a budget anywhere up to $1000, you've got a pretty broad range. my advice is to first, determine to type of music you listen to and what kind of subs you'd need for it. ex: rock, 10's are best, rap, 12's are better. it all depends on what kind of set-up you'd like. if you're going with one sub, a mono-block amp would be best, meaning one channel. always try to get the right amp for the right sub. ohm output, channel, etc. i have two JL-W3v2 10" subs with a monoblock amp and it slams plenty good enough for me, although i may not be getting the maximum performance out of them, it's still good enough for me. it all depends on what you're looking for, whether it be hair-standing bass, or a hidden enclosure that just gives a little extra sound. i'm sure the technitions at custom sounds, crutchfield, or any serious audio place would be glad to point you in the right direction. always make sure that you have the right gauge wiring to accomodate your speakers and amplifier.

i say 15's would be good. i started out with 8" subs... moved up to 10" subs... moved up to 12" subs and finally moved up to 15's. now i won't take any less. but again it depends on how u like your bass. how loud or not u actually want it. and what subs and amp u buy and the box u put it in.

(my opinion) if you like it loud i would try a digital designs 9515, 1100d (AT LEAST) , and at least 6 cubes.. if you want to spend more... up the amp.. get an alt... and go to the dd forum cuz they know a whole hell of alot more than i do about them- just something i had and liked it good luck

buy the kicker solo-x 18 in. sub on ebay for sale right now.......

i'm not a fan of kicker. had an amp and 2 subs from them. garbage :thumbdwn: amp went out and subs fell apart :rolleyes: damn solo barics. anyways that was about 5yrs ago. never even considered kicker after that. but my friend has a 15" L7 solo baric in a huge ported box with a 1,000 watt amp to it and it sounds amazing. so good i've considered upgrading my system to that one day. not much louder than mine but much more qaulity sounding. i was really impressed. but again its kicker and i've had bad experience with kicker. and so did my friend. went through one L5 15" solo baric and then got another one before he got the L7. they both burned up on him. covered under warranty so he wasn't worried about it but still. i'd have been mad. but it sounds so good now that i'm actually considering trying the 15" L7 for myself.
