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PIU - which coolant to use?


October 2, 2019
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City, State
Chicago, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 PIU

Really quick question. Does the PIU really need *only* the orange Motorcraft coolant or will in reality any coolant do? It's 2014 and has a little over 142k miles on it.


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Can't say for sure but I'd stay with the recommended coolant or one that meets the specifications listed.



Really quick question. Does the PIU really need *only* the orange Motorcraft coolant or will in reality any coolant do? It's 2014 and has a little over 142k miles on it.

i did switch to yellow (not gold, since is newer and less corrosive for the water pump), but this was done at the dealer after a flush.

I flushed mine and put in the yellow.

I'm in the process of flushing and replacing all the fluids (just to be sure the right ones are being used, plus preventative maintenance). My question is, do you guys recommend the new Yellow coolant or should I just go with the Orange coolant that's listed in the owners manual? I heard the yellow is better made and works with the water pump better. Currently the Orange fluid is being used. What do you all recommend?

Thank you guys.

It’s up to you. It says it’s compatible, and you can even top off the orange with yellow. I’d want to do a complete flush if I was going that way.

I'm in the process of flushing and replacing all the fluids (just to be sure the right ones are being used, plus preventative maintenance). My question is, do you guys recommend the new Yellow coolant or should I just go with the Orange coolant that's listed in the owners manual? I heard the yellow is better made and works with the water pump better. Currently the Orange fluid is being used. What do you all recommend?

Thank you guys.
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I flushed the orange and put in the yellow VC13G on my '14.

The yellow is the newer, coolant. Ford doesn't even sell the orange anymore. They are mixable.


Really quick question. Does the PIU really need *only* the orange Motorcraft coolant or will in reality any coolant do? It's 2014 and has a little over 142k miles on it.

I use the standard O'Riley 50/50 green coolant when it was leaking before I replaced the water pump. I still have it in the reservoir and it works fine on my PIU.

I use the standard O'Riley 50/50 green coolant when it was leaking before I replaced the water pump. I still have it in the reservoir and it works fine on my PIU.
“Works fine” until your motor gets all corroded up inside because you’re using a coolant geared to stop rust in Iron blocks, and not one designed for the modern bits and pieces in your motor. There’s a lot more to coolant “working” than just not overheating.

I use the standard O'Riley 50/50 green coolant when it was leaking before I replaced the water pump. I still have it in the reservoir and it works fine on my PIU.
Flush it out and switch to VC13G. Rock Auto used to have the best price but their shipping is jacked recently, Amazon might be cheapest now?

Flush it out and switch to VC13G. Rock Auto used to have the best price but their shipping is jacked recently, Amazon might be cheapest now?
When I get the chance, I will. HOA gets on my ass if I attempt to work on my car in my driveway. It's super annoying. I'll have to take it to a buddy's house to do it.

Can I use this Zerex Yellow Coolant instead of Motorcraft Orange?
Also is the Coolant Tool (Uvu550000) recommended or does the engine remove air pockets alone?

I believe this Zerex is an OAT, not a POAT like Fords Motorcraft Yellow (Phosphate), but the Boil/Freeze Specs are what I want.

The back label is confusing, says 'Ford Trucks 2019 newer' and states it is Silica free, but in the 'CONTAINS' at the bottom states Silicates...

The system would be drained and engine flushed with distilled water, then mixed to have 50/50. Just replaced water pump and Thermostat. Not filled yet.



I believe the specification for the coolant used in the Explorer is shown in the Owner's Manual. If Zerex meets those specs then I don't think there should be any issues Also, I don't believe the orange is used any longer. It seems yellow VC13G is what is being used now.


Considering the internal water pump, I would only use the VC13G or another POAT coolant. Ford could have spec'd whatever they wanted to, and did.

...but the Boil/Freeze Specs are what I want

?? It doesn't get particularly hot or cold in Pendleton Or, does it?

As for the Temperatures, it has gotten -11° here before, and outside the city it can get colder, plus the engine may be colder since it is under shade and metal.

So I looked up some of the Ford coolant Specifications and found some good information


Valvolines Website on the Zerex Yellow HD Coolant

The Product Information states Ford WSS-M97B57-A1 and A2 (50/50) and meets ASTM 3306.

Now Motorcrafts Yellow Coolant (Concentrate) on their Website for the VC-13-G & VC-13 D, shows the Specification Number as WSS-M97B57-A1, Which is the same and meets ASTM 3306. The 50/50 Part#s are VC-13DL-G & VC-13DL-D, which meet the same standards.


Let's see what Motorcrafts Orange stuff states

So the Orange 50/50 meets WSS-M97B44-D2, Which is different

Now here's a word from Ford

"Ford Engineering has approved the use of yellow-colored Motorcraft® Yellow
Antifreeze/Coolant (Ford specifications WSS-M97B57-A1 and WSS-M97B57-A2) to service all
Ford, Lincoln, and Mercury vehicles factory-filled with the following antifreeze/coolants:
• Orange-colored Motorcraft® Orange Antifreeze/Coolant (Ford specifications WSS-
M97B44-D and WSS-M97B44-D2)
• Dark green-colored Motorcraft® Specialty Green Engine Coolant with Bittering Agent
(Ford specification WSS-M97B55-A)"

I believe this is what I was looking for, can anyone confirm this information along with me to make sure this is accurate or did I overlook something?

It won’t ever get below ambient just because it’s under a hood.

I believe your right. To entertain this idea though, I've taken a photo of the vehicle half-assed inside with the rear sticking out lol, because I discovered an interesting phenomenon.. You'll see the frost exposed on the rear end of the vehicle in the photo, that is exposed to more air flow and the elements. This Photo was taken a few days ago around +21°, according to phone weather report, +16° on the Thermometer, and it's only October, wtf.

My vehicle is currently under a half cover, (3 walls & roof, rear towards the open end) I would assume, in winter time, that because the engine is under full cover it wont be exposed to as much warm air such as from sunlight, compared to the wide open, though being exposed to snow and a wind chill would exaccerabate the temperature, actually the engine may be warmer in this particular case.

Not a big deal for the engine since coolants are rated for the -30°s, but the Flashpoint & Boil-Over Protection for different coolants during the summer vary greatly, perhaps I'm paranoid about an explosion and adding to fire 🔥.

Though despite my preferences, the important thing next to having any type of coolant in the engine, is compatibility; The chemicals that come into contact with the Seals and mixing with some of the old Coolant, whether that's going to diminish the Seals faster or be perfectly fine for this particular engine.

After doing one engine flush with distilled water I can see much of the orange coolant still in the system, so multiple flushes (Super Flush), will be necessary for the full benefits.. or quick seal deterioration, hopefully someone has experienced this change over so we can find out if it's a mistake or not, for this particular engine)

I may be wrong, but the Motorcraft Yellow is POAT, while the Zerex Yellow is HOAT?

Whether they can be mixed/exchanged even if they do meet the Ford Coolant Specifications (WSS-M97B57-A1, Yellow), & (WSS-M97B44-D2, Orange), Would be great to confirm without any doubts, in my Opinion.

The Motorcraft Ford Coolant document I posted earlier states that both Specs are compatible, assuming that document is real since the link was a google search Origin instead of being from Fords website, Motorcraft Yellow was originally intended for 2018 or 2019 and newer I believe.

Thanks for your responses, I'm very curious what to find out.


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Wind chill is only a feeling. It has no effect on the actual temperature of an object. At 0 degrees it’s 0 degrees wether or not the wind is blowing 150mph.

I wasn’t aware of any of the newer coolants being explosive, or flammable.
