Pizza boss said he doesn't want me delivering in my Explorer if it's leaking. | Page 15 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pizza boss said he doesn't want me delivering in my Explorer if it's leaking.

Post number 318 has been selected as best answered.

So does the pad diaper. Have wings ?
You gotta keep that oil from leaking out of the sides too

All the pages in this thread I've been reading and the 1 thing no 1 has suggested which is probably the stupidest is stick a pc of bubble gum in the hole lol
It won't work unless it's bazooka bubble gum though

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The problem is very likely the oil pan gasket, leaking along much of it. But it's a sure thing that there are multiple leaks, and without fixing one of them, you can't find the others easily.

Clean the upper engine bay with engine degreaser and use a water hose to rinse it off. That will help to see lower and spot leaks. Spray engine degreaser all over the bottom half of the engine and carefully rinse it off. That will be very messy and I'd use a very cheap rain coat, and goggles. If you will clean it well like that, then you can drive it a short time, and spot bad leaks fast. Then you must try hard to fix them, most but the oil pan are not that hard.

The rear seal, or front seal, you have to live with and try some odd stop leak product(most don't work or barely at all). The front seal you might choose to do if the timing cover is also a big enough issue, and you end up having to go that far.

But make a plan of action, and stop trying to simply hide the leaks. They will get worse if you keep doing nothing to fix them.

Spend the money fixing the leak instead of buying crutches.

i think eddie may be referencing that there is 14 pages of suggestions, and none (until the diaper) have been taken. it could come off as asking the same question over and over again, with getting different answers but taking none. there comes a point to make up the mind about the solution, and many have pointed out the only :"real" fix is to change the gasket. however, maybe there is an aspect me, or everyone else is missing.

I have two bottles of ATP205 arriving today. I do believe it's worth a shot trying this stuff out. I know it won't fix the oil pan crack but if it works on everything else then it's worth it.

So does the pad diaper. Have wings ?
You gotta keep that oil from leaking out of the sides too
It's not that type of bag. I'll refrain from saying it...

I have two bottles of ATP205 arriving today. I do believe it's worth a shot trying this stuff out. I know it won't fix the oil pan crack but if it works on everything else then it's worth it.
let us know how it works.

I would already have cleaned the engin and bay and found the worst leak and fixed it. But then again I grew up on a ranch where we fixed stuff. Some of my earliest memories are washing parts in gasoline and learning how to hand lap valves

I would already have cleaned the engin and bay and found the worst leak and fixed it. But then again I grew up on a ranch where we fixed stuff. Some of my earliest memories are washing parts in gasoline and learning how to hand lap valves
"and if its broke round here we fix it" :p

Might I direct you to the time I not only cracked my V8 oil pan, but also got a new one from @410Fortune , powder coated it, and replaced it, all in only 9 pages

This thread is a record breaker. Something breaker

I would already have cleaned the engin and bay and found the worst leak and fixed it. But then again I grew up on a ranch where we fixed stuff. Some of my earliest memories are washing parts in gasoline and learning how to hand lap valves
I grew up in the rural midwest and it was much the same. Also, I drove a Triumph Spitfire and boy did I learn a thing or two about repairing it. I don't think there was hardly any part of that car I didn't bust a knuckle on. I went to replace the clutch and to my horror found that the transmission had to be removed from the interior and not dropped from the bottom. I removed everything but the dash to get it out. Including all the carpet. I am not exaggerating when I say I did a fairly major repair on that car every month. It went through universal joints on the axle shafts like grapes through a goose and the electrical system was one nightmare after another. Plus, I never went to NAPA etc. for parts unless I found a way to rig an American part in place of the OEM junk. At least when I was late getting my girlfriend home after a date no one would question me if I said the reason was my car broke down.

Might I direct you to the time I not only cracked my V8 oil pan, but also got a new one from @410Fortune , powder coated it, and replaced it, all in only 9 pages

This thread is a record breaker. Something breaker
First time I have ever heard of powder coating an oil pan. That there is dedication to the details.

First time I have ever heard of powder coating an oil pan. That there is dedication to the details.
Great rust through protection.

First time I have ever heard of powder coating an oil pan. That there is dedication to the details.
More pages. Still not good enough. I'm jealous of this thread now

More pages. Still not good enough. I'm jealous of this thread now
Powder coat an engine block and you'll be back on top. I would be good for at least 2-3 pages of posts in that thread. :)

Trade the Explorer in for an electric golf cart. No oils needed means no leaks.

Might I direct you to the time I not only cracked my V8 oil pan, but also got a new one from @410Fortune , powder coated it, and replaced it, all in only 9 pages

This thread is a record breaker. Something breaker
Boredom will do that....

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