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Police Interceptor Utility Photo Thread

Heres my 2013 that I'm going to be using as a camera truck.


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Heres my 2013 that I'm going to be using as a camera truck.
Welcome to the Forum Damien. :wave:
Good luck with your production company.


Android 8.0 Head Unit with Color Screen + Back Up Camera viewing (google play store, youtube, apps, etc.)
Did your car have sync previously? If not how did you get the head unit to work?

Did your car have sync previously? If not how did you get the head unit to work?
FYI, the member you quoted was last seen here on June 3, 2020. Perhaps another member will be able to assist.


I don't know all of them but I think one of the main differences is that the PIU has a column shifter. Also, one video I saw posted seemed to show that the transmission only had PRND.

PIU has heavy duty brakes, no 3rd row seats, cross bracing where the 3rd row seats would go, column mounted shifter, 200A alternator, and different mapping for the transmission shift points. Plus the police features like being a le to keep the vehicle running while pulling the key out, dark/silent mode, etc.

My 2018 that I just bought last week. It's my daily driver.


^^Welcome to the Forum. :wave:


Every 16,17 & 18 has it. You need to by the proper FOBs (on ebay or Ford dealer) and have the alpha numeric key inside each transmitter, programmed using Ford IDS with VCN II device. I did it with my 2016. Fortunately, i have a buddy that’s a dealer tech with his own rquipment to program. Many dealerships have zero interest in custom programming, especially for PI vehicles.
Is Ford IDS like Forscan? I thought after '16, additional wiring was needed to enable remote start?

Is Ford IDS like Forscan? I thought after '16, additional wiring was needed to enable remote start?
I was under the impression that just getting the hood switch and enabling the options in Forscan was all that was needed to get the remote start working - I already have working fobs. Was I wrong?

I get the hood switch in the mail this week. If it doesn't work for me, I'll post again about it.

I was under the impression that just getting the hood switch and enabling the options in Forscan was all that was needed to get the remote start working - I already have working fobs. Was I wrong?

I get the hood switch in the mail this week. If it doesn't work for me, I'll post again about it.
Good luck and do let me know! I'm pretty sure I saw a reply on this forum that stated you needed to buy an aftermarket kit like the one offered online by 12VoltSolutions . I just got in the mail another fob like I already have (3 buttons- lock, unlock & blue unlock rear hatch). I attempted to program using the simple steps I saw online, but it didn't work. :(

I was under the impression that just getting the hood switch and enabling the options in Forscan was all that was needed to get the remote start working - I already have working fobs. Was I wrong?

I get the hood switch in the mail this week. If it doesn't work for me, I'll post again about it.
Not sure if this link will work. But these people talked about it. But I have my fingers crossed for you!!
Thread '2017 PIU Remote Start' 2017 PIU Remote Start

Picked up a 2016 FPIU. It has 205k and runs like a top. Was formerly a commercial vehicle inspection arizona state trooper vehicle. I live in a rural part of north eastern AZ so I use it for my drives into town, or down to phoenix. Im a ham radio operator so it allowed me to add all the radio equipment I needed and the ability to power anything Id want pretty much.

Picked up a 2016 FPIU. It has 205k and runs like a top. Was formerly a commercial vehicle inspection arizona state trooper vehicle. I live in a rural part of north eastern AZ so I use it for my drives into town, or down to phoenix. Im a ham radio operator so it allowed me to add all the radio equipment I needed and the ability to power anything Id want pretty much.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
I'm not sure if this thread may be of interest to you? Any 2011+ ham radio guys??

73's Peter

Been trolling this forum a bit and I don't really post much but here's my 2015 I purchased from the Maine state police through iron planet. She was missing a couple things and has the dreaded coolant leak behind the alternator but no coolant in the oil yet. Going to be setting this up to take me out to the woods for camping and fishing excursions.

Hard to tell but is that blistering on the leading edge of the hood?


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Hard to tell but is that blistering on the leading edge of the hood?

Residue from the decals they didn't do a great job of removing them.
