"Poor Man's HID" ?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"Poor Man's HID" ??

I was surfing a bit today and came across a new headlight system from Catz: http://www.fet-usa.com/products/zeta.html

It's called the zeta system and apparently it splices into the stock wiring and adds a ballast to each side. Claims are a 170% improvement in lighting. So far I've found a kit for $170. That's not bad for a decent lighting upgrade. Add some bluer bulbs and it might really work.

They don't have a specific kit yet for the X due to the X having 9007s and mini-blade fuses. But I looked at the instructions and all you have to do is splice into the hot wire to the bulb. It says professional install may be required, but honestly it would take about a half hour to throw in, and a few short hours to get everything mounted perfectly.

Might be something to think about?

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No one has any thoughts?

nah ... why not get some inexpensive off road lights...... and retrofit them with a inexpensive HID kit. 95 to 00 has poor lenses. no use in converting them unless somebody comes out with new ones like they have for F-150/expeditions. you will get a much better beam pattern with a multi surface reflector than a fluted lense. I might do this to my PIAA 520 SMRs one day.

Pushing the volts up shortens the life of the bulbs. Heat is a bulb killer. You can get close to he same effect with a high power light harness $45. and high watt 80/100 bulbs $30. (SUperwhite $35.) I not saying the high watt bulbs are gonna last a lot longer than the zeta bulbs but its a whole lot cheaper.
I agree with soupbone about adding lights. You get "state of the art" for about the same price as zeta.

i just put some blue tinted saran wrap over my lenses.. that worked for me! actually i saw that on a web page making fun of ricers.... i'm offering no real input.. just blabbering away..

putting the blue saran wrap doesnt get the light brighter, just adds the blue tint to it.. people here are probably more interested in getting brighter than blue. personally i would rather have pure white than blue or purple tints, but i guess that is just a matter of preference. hope the saran wrap doesnt melt on the bulb. it gets pretty hot

heh.. i didn't actually do that! i was poking fun at the website that had a writeup on it.. they were poking fun too.
