Possible to switch compressors? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Possible to switch compressors?


New Member
December 21, 2008
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I have 93 4.0 Aerostar with factory front & rear air. The third compressor just went out from black death. Each time EVERYTHING in the system was replaced. The compressor is a FS-10 but I was wondering if I could swap in a Sanden 709, has anybod done this? Will it prevent the problem from happening again?

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Yes, everything was replaced. The first time around was the dealer using R-12 which lasted 1 year & a half. The secod time I replaced everything personally and had a mechanic friend vacuum & charge with R-134a which lasted close to 4 years.

You bring up a valid point that I hadn't tought of, I believe it was a remanufactured four seasons. The box it came in is floating around the house somewhere.

I don't know if you are interested in experimenting, but on my 88 I once installed an electric compressor. They make different versions of these electric units. I had something else in mind, but I didn't test it, so I don't want to recommend it.

Shamaal posted these pictures in this thread: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=159340

