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possible trans problem?

s10 warrior

September 29, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 ford explorer
91 X 4.0v6, auto 4x4

almost 90k .. up shifts fine.. it tops out around 55-60 mph... pedal to the Floor .. runs around 2000 rpm i think, the pedal is to the floor at 55-60.. shift in to drive and it will slowly climb to 70 with the pedal to floor,,

i noticed this being a problem as i was on the highway and some one was riding my ass , i figured id speed up and change lanes , when to push the pedal down further, lol it was already to the floor, it wouldnt speed up, 60 was as fast as it would go in OD .

i think it has 3.27 gearing . motor does run a little crappy, i hear a popping sound coming from the exhaust, and i believe its running a little rich,the exhaust smells kinda sweet or "different" .

trans fluid is fine,not burnt. any tips,idea would be appreciated.

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your transmission isnt the problem. if your ex cant make it past 60 with the petal down then your engine isnt making nearly the power its supposed to

If you had said a rotten smell from the exhaust, I would have said a plugged or partially plugged catalytic converter. This would account for the loss of power at higher speeds. You should check the converter out.

If you had said a rotten smell from the exhaust, I would have said a plugged or partially plugged catalytic converter. This would account for the loss of power at higher speeds. You should check the converter out.

can i just cut the cat off completely and replace it with a straight pipe with out the computer going crazy making it run rich or lean ?

we dont have emission tests in hawaii so i dont think itd be illegal, it has a new muffler so it shouldnt be too loud.

also can it still have "codes" even the CEL light isnt on? when i first start it i hear a ticking sound , its not the lifters or rods, it like a "click click click click"
only does it one the first start of the day, some times will do it after sitting ,but it doesnt click nearly as long..some one told me its the fuel injectors ticking,, some times i smell gas around the engine, but theres no leaks, i think it could be running rich, can it still have codes even tho theres no CEL on ?

This is how some dealers check the converter. My 95 dakota ran O.K. with the cat out, but back pressure is different so it coded every so often, My dads Ford 150 was left that way from the dealer , it was 20 years old at the time and it ran fine. I think that was a 85 moldel.

can i just cut the cat off completely and replace it with a straight pipe with out the computer going crazy making it run rich or lean ?

we dont have emission tests in hawaii so i dont think itd be illegal, it has a new muffler so it shouldnt be too loud.

also can it still have "codes" even the CEL light isnt on? when i first start it i hear a ticking sound , its not the lifters or rods, it like a "click click click click"
only does it one the first start of the day, some times will do it after sitting ,but it doesnt click nearly as long..some one told me its the fuel injectors ticking,, some times i smell gas around the engine, but theres no leaks, i think it could be running rich, can it still have codes even tho theres no CEL on ?

You can cut it off and it shouldn't affect anything. But just as a warning it IS illegal in all 50 states to remove any emissions control device.... so IF YOU DECIDE to do so that is solely on you.

Are you sure that you don't have the pushrod tick that the 4.0 is known for?

I'd run a new set of plugs and wires (go for motorcraft parts if possible) in it change the fuel filter, and temporarily "fix" the exhaust to see the improvements... if it was mine.
