power window plastic piece?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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power window plastic piece??


November 30, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Merritt B.C.
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT 4.6 V8
I own a 2002 explorer xlt with power windows. last night a friend of mine was in th the left rear passenger seat and attempted to roll down the window. the door made a crunch sound, then rolled down. today I pulled the door panel off and tried to look inside (actual door frame is in the way) I found two little broken pieces of plastic laying on the bottom inside of the door, and from what I can see, they came from the left sid of the window guide. my questions are

1. how difficult is it to remove the door frame and how do i go about it?

2. is the plastic guide thingy going to be difficult to find or expensive to replace?

The window still goes up and down. just not properly like the rest.

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usually to replace that you will have to remove the window, if its the guide im thinking about it will attach to the window. they are cheap for other cars and napa usually has them.

left rear window regulator

well i have discovered that i'm going to have to replace the regulator. The auto wreckers said that i have the choice of just the regulator, or regulator and motor. has anyone here changed out one of these on an 02 ex, and if so, is there anything to be aware of. aside from the extremely tight angles in which i have to access the darn thing. can barely see anything on the inside of the door. flying blind...:salute:

well i have discovered that i'm going to have to replace the regulator. The auto wreckers said that i have the choice of just the regulator, or regulator and motor. has anyone here changed out one of these on an 02 ex, and if so, is there anything to be aware of. aside from the extremely tight angles in which i have to access the darn thing. can barely see anything on the inside of the door. flying blind...:salute:

just did mine last night. the service place showed me the plastic piece still attached to the bottom of the window but said it was cracked and that is why the metal part that pulss it came out. he said he tried to just get that, but had to order from the dealer the entire motor assembly at $110 from the ford dealer. i was also charged $80 labor and it all came to $211 with taxes and all.

when i asked about getting the old assembly, he said it carried a core exchange and had to give it to them. I started to get the idea i was getting ripped off.....

i mean, a small piece of plastic and you have to buy the entire motor assembly? what gives.

usually to replace that you will have to remove the window, if its the guide im thinking about it will attach to the window. they are cheap for other cars and napa usually has them.
i watched him alittle and the window was not removed. he simply pushed it up and wedged a piece4 of cardboard in between the window and the window frame above to hold it in place in the closed position. he had to take the rear speaker out and drill out something to get it off. it took him about 45 minutes total...but had to wait 2 1/2 hours for the ford dealership that wad 1/4 of a mile away to deliver the part.

I own a 2002 explorer xlt with power windows. last night a friend of mine was in th the left rear passenger seat and attempted to roll down the window. the door made a crunch sound, then rolled down. today I pulled the door panel off and tried to look inside (actual door frame is in the way) I found two little broken pieces of plastic laying on the bottom inside of the door, and from what I can see, they came from the left sid of the window guide. my questions are

1. how difficult is it to remove the door frame and how do i go about it?

2. is the plastic guide thingy going to be difficult to find or expensive to replace?

The window still goes up and down. just not properly like the rest.
in my situation, the motor still worked and moved the cable, it just wasnt attached to the window. i had to replace the ENTIRE motor assembly just to get that piece of plastic (least that was what i was charged).....

lost my driver said few weeks ago. The plastic is the weak link on that regulator. But I guess you can do some real damage if it were all metal and had no failing point. The motor would just crank the heck out of one side of the window then crack! I had the same issues to. Just the plastic piece broke and window stayed down. But they cables were not moving correctly so thats why the piece broke. The assembly is sold as one whole piece. The rep said that they regulators break very often.

I took off my door panel and disconnected it all and secured the window in the up position. It's a easy easy job to replace the regulator, but my warranty covered it, so I let the dealer do it. My dealer charged almost $300 for parts and labor to my EWarranty.

I checked around and apparently you have to buy the entire assembly. the plastic piece is NOT sold seperately. it would have cost me $180 in labor at the dealership (i paid $80 at my shop) plus the needed part. hopefully i will get more than 5 years on this one (and i hope i dont have to replace each other one). it sucks but i guess thats the price you pay for being lazy and not wanting to manually roll them down....lol

installation is very easy and you can get the assembly for about $90.

installation is very easy and you can get the assembly for about $90.

any ideas where i could get this assembly from? i've got my door all apart and could easily just put the new one in.

I found a new regulator assembly at the local auto wreckers for 80$ canadian and replaced it in february. that is broken now also. easy to replace, but my pockets are getting empty.

You have other issues then with the window sliding up and down. maybe you need to clean and grease the tracks. Look for binding. Your assembly should have some kind of warranty against failure.
