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Powertrax No-slip Locker install

I think GJarrett mentioned Ford LS. Can you buy Ford TracLoc LS as an aftermarket product?

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Jon M,

Check out this thread too, while you're a it...
I did some researching at different places and found that National Drivetrain, Inc in Vegas has the lowest price. Gerald and I both ordered one from there, $375, tax and shipping is included in the price. Ask for Shep. I'm guessing you have an open diff, so it will probably be about 20 bucks cheaper...good luck
The phone number to National Drivetrain, Inc is 1-866-657-8307 or 1-888-770-4327
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Any chacne the Powertraxx is available for the Dana 35 TTB? Or is there a different locker recommended for the front?

Jon M

I think you just use the lock-right for the front. You don't have to worry as much in the front since it isn't used on the highway as much.
I have heard it isn't a good thing to drive on the highway with both front and rear locked, but i'm not for sure.

Im under the impression that the front locker will not have any affect at all unless you are in 4wd. I belive that once the hubs are unlocked, the front azles are effectively disconnected from the front drive shafts.

You are right, when you have the hubs unlocked you are in freewheel so the front isn't moving.
Only time the front locker works is in four wheel drive.

Yeah - you're right on the front. Don't drive on the highway with 4x4 engaged - lockers or not. We have a lot of mud, sand and overall gunk here in S FL, so it would be great to have lockers in front while off-road. What about hubs? Can I run a locker in front with auto-hubs? Most manufacturers recommened manual hubs. Why is this?

Jon M

my guess would be that the auto hubs are too week to handle the forces involved with a locked axle, even off road. Even In dirt a locked axle will still have more force on the hubs than a non locked one.

Well it finally snowed and we had a chance to try out the Explorer in the snow. We went to Denver and on the way home we drove on snowy roads. The traffic was only going about 30 to 40 so I could play a little.
When you goose the throttle it would start to slide to the ditch, but not all the time. Sometimes you could just see the speedometer go up and we just kept going straight.
The one thing nice about a locker is some places would have snow on one side of the road but not the other and people in front of us were spinning the one tire were we had no trouble.
On the roads with snowpack on them you do have to watch the corners, but for me I like the feel of the back end coming around a little. At least I KNOW if you give it gas on the corner (IN TOWN) in the snow it will slide.
As for the wet roads going into Denver I didn't notice any difference.
I guess the best thing to do is remember you have a locker and drive accordingly.
So far I think it was worth putting in, but I haven't had a chance to four wheel with it yet. The playing we have done on the hill doesn't really count since most of the time I get myself into places I don't think I would do four wheeling, such as twisted up and the front tire comes off the ground and the back end can't push it on thru.
Hope this will help others that are thinking of adding a locker.

Would the side slideing problem be less noticeable on the later Auto 4WD Explorers??

By the way, nice truck! I've got a '99 with the Auto 4WD. I've driven in alot of rain, and I haven't noticed any problem. If you want some extra traction, pick one up. There's actually one for same in the For Sale forum. Check it out... If you're interested in disabling you Auto 4WD, check out my post - http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=25588...

Thanks for the info. I am actually installing that locker and 4.56 gears in 2 weeks.

I don't mind the Auto 4WD, but it is good to know there is a simple way to disable it.

Does anyone know if the Powertrax is available for the Dana35ifs, (front axle)?
I have a Detroit Truetrac in the rear that I'm really happy with, but I figure for the front I can use a locker, since I'm usually only in 4wd off road. I used the LS(instead of a locker) in the rear because I do lots of driving on road in the snow.

It supposedly is. The natonaldrivetrain catalog says that there is one one for the dana 35 27 spline c-clip. It is like 399. Robbie

Hi Mav,
I read that thread but I think It refers mostly to '95 and up.
I have a91 with the regular dana 35 so I think there are lockers to fit without too much trouble.

If I remember when I was looking for my locker for the rear they said they didn't have a no-slip for the front, but you can use a lockright for the front.
I guess it isn't good to drive a four wheel on the highway locked front and rear so that is one reason I haven't put one in the front yet. We will try this summer with the one in the rear and see how much better it does over being open on both ends.
Then I'll decided if it is worth adding one in the front.

Ok, if you have a '91 - '94, then that's different. I didn't know that year you were talking about. You can update your profile to show the year and model Exploder you own. Well, I talked with ARB a while back and they said their Air Locker works for the '91 - '94 Exploder. Powertrax also offers a locker for that frontend. I think Detroit has something for your frontend also...
