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Project R15X

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Project R15X



Please look here at some stuff that I need to get rid of.

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Anybody know how hard or what's all involved in using a front D44HP for use in the rear?

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For rear steer or convert to a fixed axle? If either, I don't think you could choose a weaker axle to do it. If anything, you want a low pinion axle.

Dave is right, a hp would be a week rear axle. just look into the 9" with the 44 ends or somthing.

Just kind of thinking out loud here. Because I will probably be driving up to the LA area this weekend to pick up another D44HP.

Picked up some 63" Chevy springs today. :thumbsup:

And on Sunday I pick up a new front axle. After some cost analysis, it was cheaper to just pick up a '78 F250 Heavy Duty D44HP that's complete disc to disc in the 8x6.5" lug pattern that I need. The bonus being that the 3/4 ton D44 has 1/2" thick tubes instead of the 1/4" tubes that the '71 D44HP has.:D

Sweet, doing radius arms or a linked suspension?

The plan from the beginning was link'd. The original axle ('71 F150 D44HP) already had the c wedges cut off. The 3/4 ton D44HP HD was leaf sprung, so I'll knock those off and do either a 3 or 4 link.

I would like to try and fit a double triangulated 4-link, but that may be wishful thinking.

The rear will start out with the 63" springs like Matt has. Then after I do the Bronco II tank swap it will get a double triangulated 4-link.

What's the plan for the rear axle? D60?

What's the plan for the rear axle? D60?

Yep. I've got a big ole fat full float D60.:D I've already sourced the parts needed for a disk brake conversion.



Just got back from LA picking up my new '78 F250 D44HP HD. That thing is a heavy *******!

But its got big freaking rotors with massive twin piston calipers, 1/2" thick axle tubes and factory high steer on the driver's side knuckle!

Should be ordering the ARBs and gears this week. I think I've decided on 4.88s and they should be good for up to 39" tires.

I have 4.88s and wish I had a bit more gear. It works well for the tires I have now but I would want more if I went to bigger tires.

A wise man who no longers owns a explorer once told me to go 5.13's. Sense then I never looked back;)

I would agree with the 5.13 gears if he didn't have an Atlas 4.3:1 transfer case. You also have to remember that he has a 700R-4 that has a lower first gear. His intentions are to keep it streetable. With the 5.13's he'd be screaming the rpm's rolling down the freeway. Plus, he someday also intends to drop in a Klune V in between the Atlas and tranny. That will give him plenty of low and slow at a total of 11.69:1 at the t-case, or some and a nice 2.72:1 for running the washes.

Theoricaly 4.88s and 39s will keep the performance of my stock 3.73s and 28s. And everything I read says the 8.5 ring gear in the D44 doesn't like 5.13s and lower. Not enough pinion tooth contact under load and increased chance of chipping teeth.

On a side note, i'm pretty sure the new D44 has 4.09s so I could wheel it as is with som factory junkyard f250 wheels and tires for awhile if I wanted to.
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loves his 5.13's however has a stock case! Can't wait to see the build Sho now HURRY UP!!!!!!!!!!

Some of the parts that I've got in hand so far:

Chevy 63" springs:

'78 F250 High Pinion Dana 44 Heavy Duty Axle:


Brake size comparison:

I can convert the D60 to disk brakes for about $250. And I priced out some 37x12.50-16s at Discount Tire for $335 each, which is about $50 less than the cheapest internet retailer.

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Clean axle! Is it almost installed?? :D

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