Pics of my custom canvas windows! | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pics of my custom canvas windows!

Here are some pictures of my custom canvas windows that I had made. This is on my trail only explorer. I wanted to get rid of the glass windows in the truck so as to not worry with them busting or cracking. I started thinking about custom boat canvas. I then found someone here in Plano, TX that was willing to take on the project.
We have patterned these and will be available for order through me. This design will work for someone whom is willing to get rid of their glass windows. I have another explorer that could be used if you wanted to keep the stock window surrounds. Let me know what you guys think.





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I thought you bought them to take off so you didn't have to worry about that!

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Will do Brian...It's not something I'll need right away but probably in the near future, i'll let you know.

Hey Rick, did you tear it in the same trench that ate your

Originally posted by Rick
Brian... I hate to say it, but I need the price on the driver side rear window... I tore it this weekend at Truckhaven. I should have taken it off before I tried to squeeze into such a tight spot.:rolleyes:


Rick, Sorry to hear about that. I am checking on prices right now. Better than glass shattering I guess :)

On a side note.

I have some custom diamond plate rear lights being made. This will put an end to broken taillights. Which I like to do.

More info to come.


How much for the 2 front door windows. :bounce:

Are your Sport Windows the same size as my four door windows?

Good question let me go measure them and see.

ok starting from the back seal bottom to the top is 19.25xbottom to mirror 33.5xmirror area8.5x mirror to top15x top21.75
dose this sound right

The door is different and so are the back side windows. Only the hatch would be the same.

oh yea the measurements are taqken on the inside of the outer seal next to the glass.

Reminds me of a hellafunny story. A friend went to the junkyard and bought a door for his 280Z. He gets home installs the door and closes it... The door was several inches too short. I guess they make a couple different styles for the same year or different years were the same except for the length... either way it was pretty damn funny.

We bought him a model of a Z, opened the box and cut down the drivers side door. Resealed the box and gave it to him as a gift :D

The height is the same as a four door, but the 2 door models have a longer door like I thought. We will need to make a cardboard cutout of the window. I can use SVO's navajo as a template.

Cool thanks. Hay rick can you e me and tell me where or how to get those fenders on the front of your yellow beast

hahaha this is why the Explorer sports and Navajos have door hinge problems, the door is longer and heavier, yet it uses the same hinge. They wear out much quicker.

Rick has the stock 97 Explorer metal fenders on the front of his Ex, they have been trimmed to clear the big tires. It's not real clear what you are asking there Texastiger!!!

I think he may be referring to the fiber glass fenders on the orange pumpkin.

The pumpkin doesnt have fiberglass fenders anymore. It has stock 1997 fenders that have been cut.

Now back to the canvas windows. Please place your orders now.

I would like to know the price for two BII side windows.
Problem is I must be able to put the old glass back in, so I cannot use snaps, instead I need the soft windows to have studs similar to the stock glass.
I can provide cardboard templates.

If WannaB would hurry up and get his BroncoII I would have access to it. How many studs are there on each window? I am wondering if that will be enough or if you will need to build a frame with studs that the windows would snap onto.

I could get some SPARE BII frames and knock out the glass. I believe there are 16 studs per window but I can verify that.
Only the 88+ models have the bolt in windows (maybe 86+ but I am not sure) I know the 84-85 models were all glue.

Let me find a post on that has pictures so you can see the whole shebang
My plan is to have a two piece custom tailgate, top part with glass will be quick release, then the side windows come out and the plastic is just for rain :p

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Send em to me as soon as you have some pics.
