Project X before and almost after! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Project X before and almost after!

Here is a picture of Xplodor before:


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And this is somewhat after with 33s


That link looks no good...............may too many garbage letters. Double check the properties of your pic and insert it in between those brackets.



Dead Link Removed

I've been waiting forever to see pics of your X. Keep them coming! Looks great!

I'll post picts of the 35s tonite!

I'm liking the X and can't wait to see it on 35's. A little constructive criticism: I honestly think it'd look a helluva lot better with some chrome wheels on it. I saw some American Racing "Slider's" on a stock X not too long ago and it was enough to make it my wheel of choice when I go to 33's. Maybe you should check into it if money allows.


WOW Awesome work man. Can't wate to see it in action.

I like the black wheels.

As someone else with the superlift kit, how is your ride quality? Any vibrations or strange noises now?


Gots some vibrations, also some strange noices... It preformed well even with the saybars on. don't know how it will do without them yet. I don't like the clearance it has with the 33s but I'm sure that will change with the 35s. I LOVE how it handles, even with out the front sway bar on like i've had it for the past two weeks. It rides very well and smooth compaired to the TT/Warrior. I REALLY like it and so will others if they can deal with the TBars and don't mind doing some final tweaking to it. =)

WOW "gasp" You Suck Man!!!.....That looks helluva tough. If I had the cash that'd be exavtly what I would be going towards...All in alll Sweet Setup, keep the pics comin bro..

Originally posted by Xplodor

Gots some vibrations, also some strange noices... It preformed well even with the saybars on. don't know how it will do without them yet. I don't like the clearance it has with the 33s but I'm sure that will change with the 35s. I LOVE how it handles, even with out the front sway bar on like i've had it for the past two weeks. It rides very well and smooth compaired to the TT/Warrior. I REALLY like it and so will others if they can deal with the TBars and don't mind doing some final tweaking to it. =)
See I think mine rides just as bad. But that is because of all these vibrations and grinding noises I have, that I cannot determine if they are from the lift or something else. Oh well. I still like it.

I'm going to take mine in this week to the mechanic. some say the driveshaft in the yoke needs to be lubed. I'll let you know what i find.

I out the Warrior Quick connects in the rear (they are too short but will do for now. Because they are short they make alittle noise when leaning). I disconnected them and did some flexing. I was limited on the driver side because of the brake line, but on the passanger side it was sick!!! (That's a good thing)


Black Rock Crawlers.. How wide are those? 8 or 10

These are 10s, and 33s but I have 35 x 15 x 12 Xterrains that wont fit because of my molding. I like my molding so I need to take it to a body shop and have them cut fenders and reapply the molding.

do they make a 4" superlift for a 01? is it for the front or the rear? how much was it? did u go a SOA?

Yes the Superlift will fit the 2001. I wrote some posts on things to be careful with, so please look at them. I went with the Spring pack that came with the lift for the rear. I did not go SOA yet. It rides great, but needed final tweaking. The lift itself should be an easy install, the hardest thing is trying to get a new extended rear brake line since NO ONE makes one, and the T-fitting in the rear is one piece. I am getting something custom done in the rear and will post the price for all 2001 people incase they are interested. I'm not running any sway bars, and when I flex the rear line is way to short and will totally break, so I haven't been offroading for a while until I get it extended.

For the rear, all you have to do is go to an autoparts store such as NAPA that can match up the ends and get an extension. Just go in knowing what ends it needs on it and how long it must be and for $20 or less your all set. No special aftermarket line is required.

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Updated Picts


Yes, still have the 33s on. =([
