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Quality Paint Cheap PICS

Ok, I've had a thread on here forever about when my truck was backed into/side swiped. Long story short it was totaled, insurance didn't cover, I was 17 (only 18 now) and hadn't done any bodywork at all. I put a fender on it; followed by a door. I then decided to repair my rusted doglegs, at which point I realized how replacing the door was a total waste. And one thing led to another, and I got the idea to paint the whole truck. This weekend weather providing I'll remove all doors and rear hatch to paint all the jambs. The next weekend or so after that I'll be spraying the whole truck. So far I've painted the plastic runningboards and it's turned out great. It was my first time holding a spray gun, let alone using it. I bought a paint kit online from Kirker Paints. They're located in Kentucky and sell medium grade paint, along with House Of Kolors. Their website is: www.smartshoppersinc.com

I bought the Bright Orange Metallic Urethane Base/Clear kit for $229 and it can be found on the main page.

Here's a pic of the runningboards painted:




I highly recommend this paint as do the bodymen and painter at the dealership where I work:thumbsup:

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Very Nice!! Paint the Bumpers black or orange and it will really pop. I like the interior console painted the same color too. Good Job!!!

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thanks again, for both the inspiration and the know how.....I think you're right about the it being one of a kind. The feeling I get from telling everyone that all the work was done by me, from the age I was 16 until right after my 18th birthday is great. I know it's not perfect, but I still take pride in all my hard work. Hopefully after I get out of NASCAR Tech I'll be able to build a kickass Ford racing engine and drop in there.......eventually

how did you end up getting rid of the orange peel effect... thats always my biggest problem

I didn't, and won't until I re-shoot. If you have enough clear coat on it you should be wetsand and buff it.....unless if you're like me and don't have enough clear coat on it, you are screwed without a reshoot

ok, friday was my last day, and yesterday i loaded up my box and took it home. I've got two weeks until i leave for nc, and I'm thinking about scuffing and clearing some of the truck.....what do u guys think? Any tips for blending clear?

Any new pics? Status?

love the color man! looks great!.. been thinking about painting mine something like that color.. and then saw yours and it looks good ! good job man

Absolutely incredible, that X looks brand new. Love the color and the fact that this is your first auto paint job is unbelievable. Incredible job man and glad to hear you have a clean bill of health!!!


Out standing!! What's next!!!!:p:

would you recomend doing this over going to maaco. your truck came out looking nice. i want to paint mine too.

I believe it's a campbell hausfield....like a thirty gallon or so. I use a regulator and water filter on the gun. The compressor also has a regulator mounted on it. It puts out enough air to keep spraying continuously

Hey what's the hp and cfm on your compressor? I tried to click the HF link to the gun you posted but it's no longer avail. What's the cfm on your gun? I just bought the 21 gal compressor at HF. It says it's for moderate painting and the employees said I should be able to paint small stuff like fenders. I heard all these pros saying you need these huge compressors that put out at least ten cfms but I see others using much less. Thanks in advance.
