QUESTION ABOUT GAST TANK BELT - EXPLORER 98/01 - | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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November 14, 2022
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Hello everyone,

I sadly got to comment that on monday 20/03 i went on to a trip on my explorer elite 2000. It were about 348km to my destination, and in the way, i got trouble with the fuel pump ¡AGAIN! Here in my country (Venezuela) the fuel is too much contaminated, and due to that the fuel pump fail for the third time in less than 15 days.

What's the issue? well, my fuel tank is resting in the protection shield and it is supposed to have a Iron Tank Belt, but it does not have it. So i was wondering if someone here my have pictures of it, measures perhaps or even a blueprint, i am looking to build it so it can be supportet as designed.

p.s: Due the lack of iron belt my fuel tank moves while driving and all the weigth rest in a particular spot, so it has now a fissure, and i have to get down the fuel tank, clean it, apply some sort of epoxic film so it doesn´t rust, weld the fissure, and only then the fuel pump might last longer.

Any help would be appreciated,
Thanks to all

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Hello everyone,

I sadly got to comment that on monday 20/03 i went on to a trip on my explorer elite 2000. It were about 348km to my destination, and in the way, i got trouble with the fuel pump ¡AGAIN! Here in my country (Venezuela) the fuel is too much contaminated, and due to that the fuel pump fail for the third time in less than 15 days.

What's the issue? well, my fuel tank is resting in the protection shield and it is supposed to have a Iron Tank Belt, but it does not have it. So i was wondering if someone here my have pictures of it, measures perhaps or even a blueprint, i am looking to build it so it can be supportet as designed.

p.s: Due the lack of iron belt my fuel tank moves while driving and all the weigth rest in a particular spot, so it has now a fissure, and i have to get down the fuel tank, clean it, apply some sort of epoxic film so it doesn´t rust, weld the fissure, and only then the fuel pump might last longer.

Any help would be appreciated,
Thanks to all
The tank is held by a steel strap that runs across the tank right next to the forward mount point of the rear leaf spring. One end of the strap is shaped like a bold capital letter T that fits in a slot under the car (center I think), the other end has a bolt which fastens and tightens the strap. There is a plastic liner that goes between the strap and the tank to protect the paint. I took some pics, but its dark and raining, I couldn't get a shot of the ends of the strap. You can see the forward end of the leaf spring in 1&2, the drive shaft in 3. I hope this helps.

tank-strap-1.jpg tank-strap-2.jpg tank-strap-3.jpg

This thread has a shot of the front end of the gas tank.


Hello everyone,

I sadly got to comment that on monday 20/03 i went on to a trip on my explorer elite 2000. It were about 348km to my destination, and in the way, i got trouble with the fuel pump ¡AGAIN! Here in my country (Venezuela) the fuel is too much contaminated, and due to that the fuel pump fail for the third time in less than 15 days.

What's the issue? well, my fuel tank is resting in the protection shield and it is supposed to have a Iron Tank Belt, but it does not have it. So i was wondering if someone here my have pictures of it, measures perhaps or even a blueprint, i am looking to build it so it can be supportet as designed.

p.s: Due the lack of iron belt my fuel tank moves while driving and all the weigth rest in a particular spot, so it has now a fissure, and i have to get down the fuel tank, clean it, apply some sort of epoxic film so it doesn´t rust, weld the fissure, and only then the fuel pump might last longer.

Any help would be appreciated,
Thanks to all
I have the same problem with the tank strap. There is a TSB on them. The strap should still be there, but broken on the bottom middle. It bolted too the body on the driveshaft side and key I on the door side.


Thanks to all for your answers!

I got to ask, if some one has the measures of the Gas Tank Strap, it would be very appreciated, due that here in my country i cannot find it to buy it in one piece, so probably i would have to manufacture it in order to fix the situation...

You could use any sort or metal strap that is capable of holding up the tank. When rebuilding old fords we have used roofing material (like fire and ice shield/ asphalt shingles ) to make the material between the metal strap and the tank

The explorers just after this went to a plastic tank it would be absolute best if you could find a plastic tank?

With the gas tank supported up against the bottom of the vehicle, measure the distances from the bolt hole down across the tank to the frame mount point, that would be most accurate. You can use a string, or old strap as a mock up and measure it.

What about a simple ratchet strap? I guess there might be a question of longevity but they are cheap and it should be pretty simple to monitor over time.

What about a simple ratchet strap? I guess there might be a question of longevity but they are cheap and it should be pretty simple to monitor over time.
That would be a viable temp fix, not sure if there is a path to run the strap over the frame, as well as a point of support by the mount bolt - that could be fabricated, by then might as well fabricate the part itself?

I like the ratchet strap idea very much would probably work just fine!

Yes, you will have to rig something on the side where the strap is attached with a bolt, the other side there is a gap in the frame you may could hook up the hook end of the ratchet strap directly. Junk yard is another option.

If you use a strap, make sure to apply something for anti-chafe

You don’t want that letting go

One significant question...🤔 Medina said his gas tank is resting on the protection shield. My rig doesn't have a protection shield under the gas tank! How do I get one? 😆

One significant question...🤔 Medina said his gas tank is resting on the protection shield. My rig doesn't have a protection shield under the gas tank! How do I get one? 😆

Is plumbing strap available in large widths?

Thanks all for the replys.

I looking to manufacture one, but i had no luck finding a tank strap to measure...

i will keep you all posted!

Hello everyone,

I sadly got to comment that on monday 20/03 i went on to a trip on my explorer elite 2000. It were about 348km to my destination, and in the way, i got trouble with the fuel pump ¡AGAIN! Here in my country (Venezuela) the fuel is too much contaminated, and due to that the fuel pump fail for the third time in less than 15 days.

What's the issue? well, my fuel tank is resting in the protection shield and it is supposed to have a Iron Tank Belt, but it does not have it. So i was wondering if someone here my have pictures of it, measures perhaps or even a blueprint, i am looking to build it so it can be supportet as designed.

p.s: Due the lack of iron belt my fuel tank moves while driving and all the weigth rest in a particular spot, so it has now a fissure, and i have to get down the fuel tank, clean it, apply some sort of epoxic film so it doesn´t rust, weld the fissure, and only then the fuel pump might last longer.

Any help would be appreciated,
Thanks to all
never looked at any of my 3 explorers i had 99.03,04 but i had old 1965 c10 Chevrolet panel and it was strapped with the galvanized plumber about 3/4 inch with holes at about 1 inch intervals strapping with rubber strips where the metal strap hit the tank ruck was 25 yrs old when it gave up but tank still held as for fuel make sure you replace the sock in tank as well as the filter
on the frame rail forwarded of rear tire

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Hello everyone,
2000 Explorer Strap 30.5 by 1.75 inches.jpeg
2000 Explorer Strap.jpeg

I sadly got to comment that on monday 20/03 i went on to a trip on my explorer elite 2000. It were about 348km to my destination, and in the way, i got trouble with the fuel pump ¡AGAIN! Here in my country (Venezuela) the fuel is too much contaminated, and due to that the fuel pump fail for the third time in less than 15 days.

What's the issue? well, my fuel tank is resting in the protection shield and it is supposed to have a Iron Tank Belt, but it does not have it. So i was wondering if someone here my have pictures of it, measures perhaps or even a blueprint, i am looking to build it so it can be supportet as designed.

p.s: Due the lack of iron belt my fuel tank moves while driving and all the weigth rest in a particular spot, so it has now a fissure, and i have to get down the fuel tank, clean it, apply some sort of epoxic film so it doesn´t rust, weld the fissure, and only then the fuel pump might last longer.

Any help would be appreciated,
Thanks to all
