Raced a Viper . . . | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Raced a Viper . . .


March 8, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Austin, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 XLT
Got my butt kicked.

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LOL I read that post and said "man this better not be someone once again claiming that their Explorer can beat the crap out of some high dollar sports car", especially a viper, that'd be enough to get you kicked off the board, or called incredibly stupid by everyone, LOL.

I once raced a porsche with my truck. We were neck and neck, it was quite a race! Until the light turned green. LOL.

I raced my friend in his parents new Sport Trac, I have a 95 Sport with the 4.0L OHV engine. They are both totally stock. He beat me, but I had my AC on pretty high which really dogs the acceleration. So I dunno who actually would have won. On the brighter side, I've beat my friend in his Mustang (stock v6) a few times, but he usually beats me now, beat a friend in his 2000 silverado single cab stepside (v8) and last night took out my friends 2000 Tacoma. Hopefully after I put on my intake and superchip I'll be taking more! Just thought I'd share this, I dont know why.


Originally posted by Gimp
Hey, DY3,

Was the guy in the Viper aware that you were racing him?

Is there a possibility that he was just driving off like he normally would and did not realize that you were trying to keep up?

Actually, Gimp, I had it floored, I think he was busy talking on his cell phone and accidentally took his foot off the brake. All I could see was taillights vanishing in the distance. Damn those V-10s! Maybe if I hadn't had my A/C on so high . . .

There's also a Turbo Carrera in town I've got my sights on - he better hope I never catch HIM at a stoplight.

SLICK- This might be a stupid question , but if you were racing why was your A/C on at all , much less on high ???

why are we racing with explorers anyway??
must be some new trend that i'm still unaware of. i thought small fast CARS were the ones that raced.

i wonder if we'll start seeing top fuel cars with an explorer body at drag races?

wonder if they'll also have the explorer ground clearance?

i saw a drag racing minivan on tv..it was a pontiac transport....it ran like 8s

I find that most people out here who really want to race me are those mid 40 year old guys driving similar sized SUVs. (Exterras, Monteros Pathfinders, 4runners and so on) I don't have enough gear (3.08) to really give them any kind of a run so I let them take off and enjoy themselves. Who knows there are probably a few threads on their boards titled "Raced an Explorer"

The other types I find out here are those who want to play "whos-yer-daddy" on the freeway, they will swerve toward me, give me nasty looks, every now and then I get the finger and a Ford sucks, and of course they have to make a big deal of cutting around me and slamming on the brakes. Usually it's some jacka$$ in a RAV4 (nothing against the RAV4) with a piss on ford, chevy, and whatever else sticker.

I commute about 130 miles a day in SoCal traffic, just in case those of you who commute 130 miles a week haven't noticed any of this stuff. Then again I have been known to piss people off just by being around.... so maybe it's just me....

Actually i didnt realize i had the AC on until after he beat me, so i wanted another race but we couldnt catch any more lights. On the bright side earlier today i beat a guy in a v8 dodge ram, so that was good :)


LOL... nascar craftsman suv series...

i can see it now.... the first race...

they're coming down the straightaway, up to about 150mph.....

into turn one.....

oh $h!+, they're all rolling over!!!!

a dark day in racing.. a tragedy that could've been avoided if all those people stopped racing their explorers.

i still haven't found any car faster than my new R-1 ........a viper pulled up to me yesterday and we raced it was pathetic i beat him bad ...... i felt pretty cool though because i put the front wheel up about 4 feet till 3 gear :)

I Lied

I didn't really race a Viper. I just thought I'd say I did and see what the response was. Hope you guys don't kick me off the board.

LOL like we'd kick ya off the board for providing entertainment for us :). We all knew your intentions anyways, I get sick of people saying "my explorer can beat a cougar" or "my explorer can beat a mustang" because well, it can't :).

Originally posted by TDG
(nothing aganist the RAV4 other than the fact that it's a camry with a lift kit)

The rav4 is a lifted toyota tercel...it was designed on the retired tercel platform. they are about a foot shorter than the camry....

I have betten the best

I have betten vipers, Ferraris, Porsches, RX-7s, Corvettes and Mustangs. It is so fun to pick on them because they never expect it from a Explorer. My favorite race was with a brand new Ferrari 360. I pulled up the stop light with him and he gave me the look. I reved my motor a little and returned it with a little rev. The lights turned green and we both took off. I spun a little tire and hooked up reel well. As was in front but as soon as I hooked up I shoot past him. You should have seen his face. It was white with his mouth wide open. I still laugh every time I think of his face when I was about 10 cars ahead I let off and he caught up. I just smiled honked my horn and turned off the road to go home. He must have gone to the dealer the next day and told them there was somthing wrong with his car. Little did he know who he was racing. I live in Miami, FL. so there are so many stories I could tell because every body owns a 100,000 dollar car in this town and they think they are fast. My fovorite hoby is going to the street races at night and pick on Mustangs and Corvettes because they are easy pickens and are aways in a mood to race. If you guys only new how fun it is.

vipers ant so tuff after all it only takes as much power in a little lighter car to beat one. i have raced a couple of car's in troll's truck and it is a lot of fun.

I think I'll take that back before someone from the RAV4 forum comes over here and starts Explorer bashing.

i drive as many miles as you and you dont have to take it back i just made shirts for all the rice that cut me off that say your honda sucks so dont worry about it.

with all this talk about rav4's i took a gander at the rav4 forum and did a little search for the word "explorer" came up with a few posts mainly refered to teh explorer as "too big" or "too ugly". gonna keep searchin other suv forums, interesting to hear what they say about us

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You guys have it all wrong. My Exploder is really fast... for something that weighs as much as your average farm equipment.
