Ranger Front clip on 95-01 explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ranger Front clip on 95-01 explorer


i smoked a deer with my explorer and after going ten rounds with the insurance i've got some cash to throw some fresh parts on the front of it. I am going to put prerunner fenders on the front of the truck because i plan on ether making my own 8-12" wider long travel front suspension or buying a dixon bros 4wd kit within the next year or so (depending if i have more money than time or time than money).

I really like the looks of the 02+ rangers, their inner body structure is very similar use the same track width (hood width the same) and very similar body panel dimensions vs the explorer (almost looks like the same front doors on both vehicles). I dont care if the body lines dont match up as long as theirs not hideous/cavernous gaps between panels (even large gaps are okay).

anyone have heard of or have seen any threads bout anyone doing this? thanks!

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thats a show truck. so i can understand why he wants the body line to match

4.5" flared prerunner fenders not just fender flares

I'm well aware they are not just flares. I'm just sayine where the fender meets the door is completely different as well as length and hight.

I'm well aware they are not just flares. I'm just sayine where the fender meets the door is completely different as well as length and hight.

the curvature to the door is almost the same

height from where the fender meets the cowl down to the rocker area is within an inch as well as length from door gap to marker light mounting point.

I'd say go for it then. its only fiberglass. i would look for a Ranger hood the ranger guys call the "power bulge hood" it's basically a taller "cowl" on it then normal. i believe it was somewhere between 03-05

I'd say go for it then. its only fiberglass. i would look for a Ranger hood the ranger guys call the "power bulge hood" it's basically a taller "cowl" on it then normal. i believe it was somewhere between 03-05

found one of the "power bulge" hoods local (saves a ton on shipping lol)

i'm going to order "duraflex" fenders, so hopefully they are a little more robust then standard fiberglass.

04-05 have specific grill options compared to +06 and -03 grills don't come above the top headlight line, giving the front of the truck a lower profile. I like the factory honey comb mesh grilles along with the larger grills of the 04+ trucks so i plan on ordering a 05 grill because the mesh grille was dropped from the options in 06.
