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raymart winch


December 31, 2004
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91 xls 4x4
i was looking for a winch today and found this website http://www.winchking.com/gpage1.html they have a 8,000lb winch for $300 just thought i would let you guys check these out to

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After doing some research, I found out that the Raymart winches are made in Taiwan. Not sure who their designs are based from. It depends on how much use you'll get out of it when it comes to picking a brand. If your gonna be using your winch constantly, then definately look for another brand like Warn. Look at the Harbor Freight 9,000 lb winch. According to some reports on the web, they are made by Ramsey, the only reason they are not badged as Ramsey is because of the line speed. The slower line speed would definately help with the amount current running thru it. A 5.5 HP winch can easily take 65 or more amps to run effeciently. The HP rating on the winch motor relates to the line speed. The higher the HP rating, the faster the line speed.

i want one of those winches and the are in my price range, what is the difference between being made in the usa or taiwan? i know warns winch are the best out there but they also cost a lot too, this winch might not be the best but it is at a affordable price

Warranty and durability are some differences between Warn and Asian brands. As Boomin had in his signature: Buy the best and only cry once.

It'll be a very slow.. 1.8 HP motor in the winch.. A Warn 8K winch has 4.8 HP motor.. The Warn will be almost as 3 times the speed of the Harbor Freight. When it comes to winches, you get what you pay for.

I wouldn't buy it, but I also wouldn't buy Pyramid or Legacy audio products. It's a bottom-of-the-line winch. I had a Harbor Freight impact driver and it was a POS. Because of that I'm going to think all their power products are of the same quality. If you do buy it get the longest warranty they offer.

You will get what you pay for in an american made product, should you buy offshore products, such as a winch, make sure you also have a 20 ft remote cable and stand clear, when it tosses its cookies, you do not want to be near it.

ok been doing some research how and im thinking about a mile marker e series winch e9000 for $450, is this a good winch? any one have this winch and like it or hate it? it come with a 2 yr warranty also

For not much more you can get a Warn on eBay. Mile Marker is also an imported brand. You can think of these winches as Warn vs. Mile Marker hubs.

i dont really like buying things off ebay to many people not sending me information on things i bought

You don't bid if the price says "Reserve not yet met" :D

the only stuff that i have tried to buy was "buy it now" stuff

Yeah I got my warn x8000i off ebay super cheap, no problems as far as operating correctly, now pulling power i'll let you know when the occassion presents itself again ;)
