Ready to install new valve body... but.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ready to install new valve body... but....


November 1, 2006
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 Sport 2WD
Will a 5R55E valve body work properly without issues in a 4R55E transmission?
I just purchased a new rebuilt valve body for my 1996 4.0 ohv 2wd Explorer Sport from one of the vendors recommended in this forum.
I received a 5R55E valve body which the vendor insists will work nicely in my 4R55E. It came complete with a 5R55E separator plate, red stripe EPC solenoid, and new style inductive signature TCC solenoid.
Vendor assures me all these parts are backwards compatible with my 4R55E.
From my research reading this forum, none of these parts will work in my 4R55E.
I haven't dropped the pan yet, so before I make the swap, I want to check with the experts here to see if there will be any incompatibility issues with this mismatched valve body.
I really don't want to do this job more than once and I can't afford to have my truck out of commission for more than a couple of days.
I appreciate any input.

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I don't know much about interchangeability just because of all the problems it can create so I haven't tried it myself. What I do know is that the valve bodys are the same just that there is a difference with plate (hole location). Installing the wrong plate will cause codes.

The red EPC can be used in 97 and later vehicles with the 4R55E, so you should stick with the green one.

I wouldn't do it, have them explain why they say it will work.

I called and asked for an explanation.
They say they have sold hundreds of 5R55E vb's to 4R55E owners and never had any problems.
I'm still wary about installing it until I get more confirmation from some of the transmission gurus (BrooklynBay or Glacier991) on this forum or anyone who has actually done the swap with, or without out issues.

Well, after doing hours of googling, I found this ATRA tech bulletin which answers some of my questions.

