Rear Wheel Bearing replacement. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Wheel Bearing replacement.


February 2, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Cedar Rapids Iowa
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT
Well I'm determined that this is the vehicle that is to break me. It needs new rear wheel wheel bearings. Did the fronts, zapped the tranny. Rear air/heat has the clunking noise. Power window, and door lock actuator don't work...... Now it's the rear wheel bearings. Is this an easy project. I read the instrucions and it states a press is needed to remove. Is this so? I'm mechanically inclined, so I think the general issue of removal and replacement will be easy, but it's the things needed to get it done. Can someone leave me a message as to the instructions to get these fixed. The ones I read were from another site, and basic. Thanks for your help.

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You need a press to remove the old bearing and press the new one on. You have to remove the knuckle/spindle to do this.

Afraid of that....

Is this something I can just buy. I think the cost of the tool will be cheaper then the shop rates....

There are lots of threads on here about his subject. I had mine done by a tire shop in my area and it was about $400 for one side. That included the part, labor and having it pressed. It takes a heavy duty press from what I have read.

If you have an automotive machine shop in your area, check with them. They usually have the press and associated tools required to replace the bearing. You could possibly remove the spindle, hub assembly and bring it to them.

I have replaced three of these and it is not a job for the timid. It can easily take two hours to remove the upper arm without damage.
