Recarpeted Box, any comments? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Recarpeted Box, any comments?


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2001
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'94 XLT

I got fed up with how my box looked. When I made it, I rushed and bought some cheesy vinyl that didn't match very well. Well anyway, I just recarpeted today with grey carpet. I also added plexiglass over the amps. Let me know what you think.


Old Box

Dead Link Removed

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I messed up the link... Here's the old box

Dead Link Removed

Here's the new box....

Dead Link Removed

Dead Link Removed

Looks good... cept them pics surely could be sized down

I usually resize them down. I completely forgot about it. I'm going to do it right now.


looks good, where did you get the carpet?

Looks good.
did you make the box yourself?

Taxxman2k2, I got the carpet at a local shop. Stinger makes it. I believe that Sounddomain carries it. Take a look there.

Yes, I did make the box. I do all of the work in my truck myself. I actually do all of my friends cars too. ;)

I was just curious. I actually like this stuff you can get at Autozone for $8 for 2/yards. It is a little harder to work with and might not hold up as long but for the price...
