Remove the Seatbelt holder to access the back panel | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Remove the Seatbelt holder to access the back panel


April 2, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Whittier, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 Eddie Bauer
I was wonderin if anyone could tell me whene i cound get a wrench/driver to remove that little bolf that is unter the seatbelt holder on the backest most panel on the right side of a 1992 explorer. This would be a first for me messin around back there, but i've put in almost everything else. The size, and maybe where i could get one? Thankyou.

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not 100% sure, but i think it is a torx bit size t-45 ... they are available at home improvement stores like home depot, orchard supply, lowes, sears, etc or also at local auto parts stores......

I got the bit I needed at Sears.

...i used a really big flat head screw driver :p

Originally posted by Fish Man
...i used a really big flat head screw driver :p
You were able to un-torque that bolt with a twist of a screwdriver?? :eek:

Your more man than I am! :D

Does anyone know for sure?

Torx bit: size T-50

Thank You.

It is for sure the T-50, as dejello said, but my advice is to get a good quality one....sometimes they are cranked in there good.

Does it matter what lengts driver i use? Should i use a driver with a long handle?

Get it as a socket, not a driver....They are sold as 3/4" drive sockets....

I know, i went and got the socket tonight, i was just wonderin how much torque i'm gonna need to get that bolt off. If i need alot, i'll go back and get a driver with a longer arm.

It depends on how long it's been in there, how tight is was put on, and how strong the person is applying the force.. But yeah, make sure it's a good quality one (my dad tore up the first one I got at a junk yard the next day :p)

I got a bit from autozone. The screw comes out pretty easy.

I got the screw out successfully. it wasnt that hard to take out. Do you know what size bit i need to take off the screws that are mounting the amp? I want to take out that amp and bypass it for now, until i get another one.

You can just unplug the amp from both sides and bypass it without unbolting.

i want to take out thise amps and put different ones in there.

