Replacing plastic T'stat housing | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Replacing plastic T'stat housing

Joe DeVola

Active Member
December 12, 2008
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2004 XLT
What all is involved in replacing the t'stat housing and the rest of that body of plastic that the t'stat housing is attached to? Any special tools needed to remove any of the hoses and/or instruments that are attached to it?

I'm asking because the actual t'stat housing was replaced two years ago. I took the car to Firestone yesterday for an oil change and tire rotation. Their recommended services list included a new t'stat for $401. The car's gauge doesn't rise above normal but yesterday after I got the car home I looked under the hood and there was a bunch dried up "stuff" around the housing and down on the engine. What was down on the engine may have been leftover from the incident two years ago. I brushed and scraped off the gunk and checked it again after running around for a couple of hours. No sign of leakage. If something does happen to occur and it needs replacing, I'd like to do it myself.

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What all is involved in replacing the t'stat housing and the rest of that body of plastic that the t'stat housing is attached to? Any special tools needed to remove any of the hoses and/or instruments that are attached to it?

I'm asking because the actual t'stat housing was replaced two years ago. I took the car to Firestone yesterday for an oil change and tire rotation. Their recommended services list included a new t'stat for $401. .

Stay away from places like Firestone, rip off artists. $401 to replace a $16-$18 t-stat and a $2-$3 o-ring seal is ridiculous. Don't know your engine size but to replace the t-stat only, just remove the 3 upper bolts for the t-stat cover plate along with the upper radiator hose "after" draining approx. 2 gallons of coolant from the system first thru the radiator petcock, then close the petcock. You have to drain out enough coolant in the rad and engine to get below the area you are working on so nothing comes spilling out when you remove the upper rad hose and t-stat cover. 2 gallons is plenty. These instructions are for the 4.0L V-6 engine. When you go to remove/lift out the old t-stat itself after you have lifted the cover plate off, remember the position you see the old t-stat sitting in and where the old O-ring is seated around the old t-stat. This is how you install the new t-stat and O-ring. Lubricate the new O-ring with some new coolant on your finger prior to putting it into place and tighten the 3 t-stat housing bolts to 89 inch lbs, do not over tighten them. Refill coolant with new and bleed out any air in the system by squeezing the upper radiator hose, check for leaks.
Below is a link for changing out the "t-stat housing assembly" that should be helpful to you. Those instructions are for the 4.0L V-6 as well.

Exproblems is right on the money. DO NOT let Firestone or anybody replace that t-stat housing for you. It's too simple. You can ebay a complete housing for $35 and the t-stat and temp sender etc. for another $20-30. If you can spin a wrench you can do it. If you are without skill find an indy shop to do the work. Lots of them around. I will do it for $401

Exproblems is right on the money. DO NOT let Firestone or anybody replace that t-stat housing for you. It's too simple. You can ebay a complete housing for $35 and the t-stat and temp sender etc. for another $20-30. If you can spin a wrench you can do it. If you are without skill find an indy shop to do the work. Lots of them around. I will do it for $401

Yes, I can do it myself. I only took my car to FS for a tire rotation and oil change. I have a mechanic I trust for things that I don't want to tackle.

I only took my car to FS for a tire rotation and oil change. I.

I wouldn't even let Firestone do a simple oil and filter change for me. That's how they get you in the door and then you get slapped with a $401 t-stat repair estimate.

i wouldn't even let firestone do a simple oil and filter change for me. That's how they get you in the door and then you get slapped with a $401 t-stat repair estimate.

