Restore? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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January 16, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Louisville, Ky
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 XLT 4X4
Ok, I was in the store and saw this stuff called restore on the shelf. It is suppose to repair your engine and fill in all those scratches that are in your engine. Does this stuff really work? Has anyone actually tried this stuff? Should I get it? I am switching to synthetic Mobil-1 tomorrow so if I should get it now is the time.

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id put more money on seafoam that claims to REMOVE crap from your engine, rather than something that claims to ADD something to your engine.

I have used it. never really developed an opinion on either side of the :thumbsup: line :thumbdwn: , i guess it gave me piece of mind though....perhaps???

I would try running some seafoam :thumbsup: before you change your oil. I have used this as well and it seems to help clean up a few things.

I would suggest leaving it to sit a little longer than the directions say though. Just from my expereince it seems to work a little better on my engine.

use seafoam... that restore stuff is for trying to squeeze that few extra miles out of an already dying engine.....

I have used Restore on my '93 XLT OHV for the last 3 oil changes. I noticed a difference after the second use. The engine rev'd better and stopped trying to stall on cold starts. One word of caution though. It cleaned up stuff a little too good and now I have a small oil leak that probably showed up after some crud was disolved out. Otherwise it's working great for me. I will be trying Seafoam as soon as I can get my hands on a can of it.
