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Reverse Glow Install


October 11, 2003
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'98 XLT
I finally installed my Reverse Glow Gauge Faces on my Explorer, only thing left is installing the electrical connections.

I spliced the white-with-black stripe cable coming from the light switch and added the red cable to those cables. The only thing is, I don't know where to connect the black(ground) cable.

Any help is apreciated, thanks very much!!.


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An easy thing to do if you don't know which wires ford uses for ground is to make your own. Look for a metal dashboard support bracket and use that. Or go down to the kick panels and you can add you ground to the factory ground locations. Look for a green 8MM screw with a bunch of black wires coming off of it.

I had the little inverter down in my center console (full length) and used the ciggy lighter + and - for ground and always on 12v, and I used a wire from the dash dimmer for 12v switch... you'll need to use a multimeter to find the 'undimmed' one though... I think it is top....

I just grounded mine to one of the metal shield bolts behind the plastic cover on the bottom half

I figures that metal piece was grounded and Installed the gauges using it, it works perfectly, Thanks for the help though!!

