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Rides like new again! :D

Gadget X

Elite Explorer
March 13, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Gibsonville, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 XLT 5-speed
Finally got a chance to do a little bit of maintenance on the X! (Ok, more than a little!) Been having clutch "issues", so I decided it was time to do a little work. Replaced the master and slave cylinders, clutch assembly, flywheel, and pilot bearing. Opened up the trans to "look it over", and it all looked good, so I replaced the shifter bushing, and put all that back together. Then I moved on to getting rid of the 65mph teeth-rattle I had. Replaced the sway bar bushings front and rear. Replaced the very worn out drag link, and both outer tie rods. Next I started working outwards from there, and replaced the shocks on all 4 corners, new wheel bearings, new ball joints, new brake pads, and new radius arm bushings. Then I put on a set of new load range C General Grabber AT/X tires! Then I put on a new muffler to replace my factory-original, rusted out one. Next, I moved on to being able to see at night again! I put in a new set of headlight housings, and stuck some 12,000 lumen LED bulbs in them. I CAN SEE AGAIN!!!!! :D Still have to put in the new axle pivot bushings, new receiver/dryer and orifice tube, then pull a vacuum and recharge the A/C, but I think that was enough for one weekend! :p I have to say, It rides like a new one again! All the way to 95 without a single shimmy, vibration, or shake! Then I just had to stick my new Explorerforum.com decals from @mbrooks on, and call it a day!

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Looking good! I'm glad you've got the bugs worked out:chug:

Finally got a chance to do a little bit of maintenance on the X! (Ok, more than a little!) Been having clutch "issues", so I decided it was time to do a little work. Replaced the master and slave cylinders, clutch assembly, flywheel, and pilot bearing. Opened up the trans to "look it over", and it all looked good, so I replaced the shifter bushing, and put all that back together. Then I moved on to getting rid of the 65mph teeth-rattle I had. Replaced the sway bar bushings front and rear. Replaced the very worn out drag link, and both outer tie rods. Next I started working outwards from there, and replaced the shocks on all 4 corners, new wheel bearings, new ball joints, new brake pads, and new radius arm bushings. Then I put on a set of new load range C General Grabber AT/X tires! Then I put on a new muffler to replace my factory-original, rusted out one. Next, I moved on to being able to see at night again! I put in a new set of headlight housings, and stuck some 12,000 lumen LED bulbs in them. I CAN SEE AGAIN!!!!! :D Still have to put in the new axle pivot bushings, new receiver/dryer and orifice tube, then pull a vacuum and recharge the A/C, but I think that was enough for one weekend! :p I have to say, It rides like a new one again! All the way to 95 without a single shimmy, vibration, or shake! Then I just had to stick my new Explorerforum.com decals from @mbrooks on, and call it a day!View attachment 329023
nice I have the same tires and they have been wearing great. What do you think got rid of the highway rattle? I have the same issue but have replaced most of the front end components.

My thinking is that the highway rattle went away with the new rear shocks. I went with the monroe load adjusting "coilover" type on the rear to alleviate a little of the sag that I had. So far they seem to be working great! Got em from Rockauto.com for $104.

I used the KYB Gas-a-just monotube shocks in the front, and they ride great so far, too!

My thinking is that the highway rattle went away with the new rear shocks. I went with the monroe load adjusting "coilover" type on the rear to alleviate a little of the sag that I had. So far they seem to be working great! Got em from Rockauto.com for $104.View attachment 329043
I used the KYB Gas-a-just monotube shocks in the front, and they ride great so far, too!
Im running the gas a just shocks up front too and the monomax in the rear. I may try these out next time though. I will try the rear sway bar and leaf spring bushings next.

Finally got a chance to do a little bit of maintenance on the X! (Ok, more than a little!) Been having clutch "issues", so I decided it was time to do a little work. Replaced the master and slave cylinders, clutch assembly, flywheel, and pilot bearing. Opened up the trans to "look it over", and it all looked good, so I replaced the shifter bushing, and put all that back together. Then I moved on to getting rid of the 65mph teeth-rattle I had. Replaced the sway bar bushings front and rear. Replaced the very worn out drag link, and both outer tie rods. Next I started working outwards from there, and replaced the shocks on all 4 corners, new wheel bearings, new ball joints, new brake pads, and new radius arm bushings. Then I put on a set of new load range C General Grabber AT/X tires! Then I put on a new muffler to replace my factory-original, rusted out one. Next, I moved on to being able to see at night again! I put in a new set of headlight housings, and stuck some 12,000 lumen LED bulbs in them. I CAN SEE AGAIN!!!!! :D Still have to put in the new axle pivot bushings, new receiver/dryer and orifice tube, then pull a vacuum and recharge the A/C, but I think that was enough for one weekend! :p I have to say, It rides like a new one again! All the way to 95 without a single shimmy, vibration, or shake! Then I just had to stick my new Explorerforum.com decals from @mbrooks on, and call it a day!View attachment 329023

“One” day?🤷‍♂️

Almost forgot! I also got my "new" 2nd gen mirrors with puddle lights installed and wired in, and put LEDs in them, too!😁

Nice work! I love the little brush guard. I'm a little jelly actually. I go a lot of FS roads and often encounter debris...

Nice work! I love the little brush guard. I'm a little jelly actually. I go a lot of FS roads and often encounter debris...
Actually picked it up at the pull-a-part for $20 several years back. It was on an old BII, but it bolted right up!

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