Rowher Flats (So Cal) Feb 1st | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rowher Flats (So Cal) Feb 1st

Thanks Jo

I'll try to come along on more runs I had alot of fun. Money kinda tight right now and will be for awile due to I'm getti'n married in April. I'll try to bring the other half next time. That way she'll have fun and want to go.
( = me go more:bounce: )

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Hey Jeff and bro check it out

I found this post and may explain why I could get no traction in spots (always while one tire in the air)

A limited slip diff is just was it says. Limited Slip. It is not a locker and will only apply additional torque to a slipping wheel. Note that they work absolutely great in the mudd and on climbs, where you run into trouble is when you have all your wieght one wheel while the opposing side is airborn. The clutches are made to break away at 90 ft lbs of torque (per Ford Instructors and the training center during my differential and drivetrain courses), so in other words a limited slip is not junk its great, but in some situations will not perform as a true mechanical locker

:rolleyes: pretty crazy huh!

Here's a pic of me hangin a rear tire for the fun of it (courtesy of Stic-O):


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Do you have more pics comin?? :D

Re: Hey Jeff and bro check it out

Originally posted by Stic-o
I found this post and may explain why I could get no traction in spots (always while one tire in the air)
. . .
I wouldn't expect the ford trak-loc to perform like a locker (once you lift a tire). . .but its just pathetic comparing it to the stock Jeeps D44 L/S.

Originally posted by section525
Do you have more pics comin?? :D

I'll accept part of the blame for that one. I told Jeff I had the digital camera, but earlier that day my wife needed it and I forgot to get it back before heading out.:(

I didn't realize the mistake until Jeff asked me to take a picture on the trail.

Oh well. . . . . that means we have to run it again, right?

It also would have been fun to post some pictures of the carnage we encountered in the other folks running the trail. (maybe an essay on what NOT to do when off-roading? or at least a shot of the Explorer's climbing past the J**p with the busted driveshaft?) :)

I wonder, did the fact that there were two busted rigs on the first 300 yards of the trail intimidate anybody?


I wonder, did the fact that there were two busted rigs on the first 300 yards of the trail intimidate anybody?

That's wuy I went around that part.:D

Nice pics!

Any of the exploded axled jeep?

Originally posted by jobunn
Nice pics!

Any of the exploded axled jeep?

Unfortunately, no.

We were too busy trying to keep him rolling back down the trail in front-wheel-drive only (and not rolling it off the mountain!)
