Section525's custom rear tube bumper... | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Section525's custom rear tube bumper...

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man that looks really nice!!

FYI my son is one this week, I have pulled the BII out of the garage, I repeat I have pulled the BII out of the garage

Im not selling anything!! hahahaha but it will be a while before we can be hard core sledders or atv'ers lol we are doing the super green trails until he can hold up a helmet

They wont slow you down that much, but I sure as hell did not get alot done in the last 21 months!!! so worth it, my life has meaning!! it would have alot more meaning if you were to build my son one of these rear bumpers though... LOL looks great!!

(FYI I can get my wife to buy anything as long as its for him... like the "baby garden shed" they have at Costco right now... its for the baby, start practiciing this)

(FYI I can get my wife to buy anything as long as its for him... like the "baby garden shed" they have at Costco right now... its for the baby, start practiciing this)

My street (pretty much a retirement community :p: ) is having a its annual yard sale weekend right now. The babies needed a gas can so I picked this up from the neighbor for $7.

I don't really see a good spot on the bumper permanently for it. But I was thinking a Jerry Can holder that you could attach when needed might be a cool project. Especially on those snow runs when you're stuck for 5 hrs out of cell reception.


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My street (pretty much a retirement community :p: ) is having a its annual yard sale weekend right now. The babies needed a gas can so I picked this up from the neighbor for $7.

I don't really see a good spot on the bumper permanently for it. But I was thinking a Jerry Can holder that you could attach when needed might be a cool project. Especially on those snow runs when you're stuck for 5 hrs out of cell reception.

Osh has the mounts for these;)

Let me know what you get for the fill spout for that gas can.. The old style is illegal in CA, and I think I accidently got rid of the one I had, since I have two of those cans.

looks great. really putting that notcher to work!

Slow day at the office so I whipped out some shackle mounts. They came out pretty blingin'. :cool:

Cutting at the line.


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5/8" for some extra lovin'.

..welded to some .120 wall. It'll be hawt.

I Like It. I Like It ALOT. Nice Welds!! Great Looking Bumper Section!!!!

Any finished pics?

I wish I could say its done. But I've been super busy with life! :D

I did get the shackles on though. I also had a line on a Warn 9500 for the rear, but someone nabbed it just before I did. :(


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Fantastic!! Happy New YEAR!

I wish I could say its done. But I've been super busy with life! :D

I did get the shackles on though. I also had a line on a Warn 9500 for the rear, but someone nabbed it just before I did. :(

Well your a step above me my friend, I've had the stuff for my rear shackles stuff for 2 1/2 years and haven't got them on:rolleyes:

dude soooo gnarlyy.. good work

Love the bumper! Can I steal this idea? Lol
