Serious Explorations 10th Anniversary Run | Page 9 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Serious Explorations 10th Anniversary Run

Where should our 10th Anniversary run be held?

  • Truck Haven Southern California

    Votes: 43 21.3%
  • Moab Utah

    Votes: 33 16.3%
  • Phoenix Area Trails

    Votes: 14 6.9%
  • Colorado Trails

    Votes: 43 21.3%
  • Badlands Attica Indiana

    Votes: 69 34.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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My vote is to split it up into two runs - West Coast and East Coast. Maybe run a simple poll to see what the response is to splitting up, then start two polls/threads for actual locations-one for West, one for East.

(I know Rick would love a single group shot of 50-60 vehicles, but, hey, that's what Photoshop is for :D )

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Maybe we should just crash Easter Jeep Safari, hahaha I could see it now, all the regulars, "what do you mean my room has been taken by the Explorer crowd?"

would you try and have a family reunion in 2 locations? no. you would just try and get as many relatives together as possible. knowing that not everyone can make it due to school, work, financial issues. 2 runs would defeat the purpose. thats just what i think.

mynameisaric said:
would you try and have a family reunion in 2 locations? no. you would just try and get as many relatives together as possible. knowing that not everyone can make it due to school, work, financial issues. 2 runs would defeat the purpose. thats just what i think.

I agree

RussRubek said:
What about Tuttle Creek KS. Its in the middle! Its free to wheel and the near by camping is like 7.50 a day! Just a thought

I second this one! Very centrally located and they have various trails from mild to wild. At least add it to the poll options and see what everyone thinks.

What if we could get people together nation wide in smaller groups before the 10th and plan this thing out.This planing stuff out with minimal contact just dosen't seem like it's workin well. Just like small get to gethers. Let the ideas flow face to face. Let people get to know each other. Find out who would be up for a convoy so we could be able to travle to one spot for the tenth ani. Find out who needs rides from the east and the west. besides travlin solo isin't any fun. I know I would be more willing to treck to attica in a group. Get the introductions going so no mater where we go we can start the party sooner. See if we can start local threds and see where this can go. :usa:

can a two weeler attend some of the places talked about or would my truck (in great shape) not handle the trails.

I think the idea of a tenth anniversary run, is a great idea. The main problem is we come from all over the country and overseas too. As far as a US run, I think there should be ones for each region, since not everyone that would like to go can afford to travel as far as some of these, especially us in New England and the rest of the East Coast. What about having the regional clubs set up something in their region for their part in celibrating Serious Explorations tenth anniversary, besides having a main run?

My club, the New England Explorer Club, attends the 4 Wheel Jamboree in Essex Junction, Vermont every year. I don't think it would be hard to set up a regional run for our area, the only thing is that it would be held in Northern New England (Maine, New Hampshire or Vermont), since Southern New England (Connecticut, Massachussetts, Rhode Island) has little if any legal places for 4x4's to go four wheeling

Theres plenty of wheeling down here ;) a wide range of trails that even a 2wd could do. (and even some trails that would give a buggy problems)

Poor Rick

He must be going crazy about now :confused:

Stic-o said:
Poor Rick

He must be going crazy about now :confused:

No, he is probably laughing at us quibble. I think I can hear him laughing as I type, I know I would be. Rick, we support you man;
Some Ideas to help you:

1. Designate at least 4-5 people w/trailers that will help carry the injured back home.

2. Remember this event should only last one full day. (Some will make it a weekend, and some will make it a week thing. But you are only responsible for that Official day.

3. Make a dinner, Pot lucks where every one brings a dinner side dish and their own staples usually works well. You provide the meat.

4. How do you fund the meat? Create a prize Raffle, and sell individual dinner tickets in a certain time frame Saturday morning at the event, send someone to buy the meat after totaling. (Get local 4wd shops and companies to donate/provide prizes (Southern 4-Wheel Drive Association, Blue Ribbon, Tread Lightly ect can help you with this) (so will companies like Warn, Superlift, ect...)) I would buy a raffle ticket for $5 if it meant I could win a winch, and warn needs the write-off on taxes. Allow for only 10% of raffle to purchase prizes.

5. YOU ARE NOT RESPONSABLE for Breakage!!! The drivers are!!!

6. Create an event that all will enjoy, Extremes, Mild, stockers, the 2wds and street machines come too. Idea would be to have a curvy mountain ride, truck show, or just a meet and greet. Late in the day, this is when you have your Dinner.

7. Incorporate Games into this thing, Geo-Caching, mud tugs (tug of wars), winch races ect....

This should help you some; I could go on all night.

If you sell attendances tickets like the Jeep Jamboree, you must advertise out-side of the forum. Commercials, major newspapers (Chicago tribune, AJC, New York Times, ect...) HINT Magazine Ads are cheap!! Ford may even help you out financially but you will have to let them get involved.

Finally, you can make this thing as big or as small as you want, Make sure of your demographics, terrain, and participation amount and then plan accordingly.

I voted Badlands due to distance. If I lived further west, I'd probably say Moab.

Don't get too bent out of shape on the number of votes. Everyone thinks they can be ready for a run that's 6 or even 12 months out. We probably will have 50+ people say they will be there and 25 will show. Expect a 50% drop rate and you won't be disappointed I think.

I know - it just happend to me on two runs this summer. Not because I didn't want to, but because I had no front drive shaft when the run happened. Oops.

I will say I am 100% if it is @Badlands and 50% @Moab or west

Note: One problem with Badlands that may not have been considered will be less predictable weather......

Gajeep said:
No, he is probably laughing at us quibble.

I am ;)

I'm also listening to suggestions. This poll is just the beginning of the process.

I appreciate your help with the details. I'm not sure if you've seen this part of the site, but we have done many group runs over the years and they've all come together very well. Here's a link to one of our trips . There's a pull down menu on the bottom of that page to take you to others.

Just like CableGuy said (Jdubya on rrorc???) i'd also be willing to help orgainze things at Badlands if yall choose that location. Unfortnatly if it's out west i won't be able to make it...just too far and with just an f150 as my tow rig i want to be as easy on it as possible haha.

I would also like to suggest a raffle for a chartable organiztion, rrorc did one for the cystic fibrosis foundation and raise quite abit of money! Also, i'd like to see some local coverage of the event...maybe we can bug the local papers to run a story. Since our sport is in peril in so many places, good deeds can ONLY serve to help cast a postive light on the sport we all love :)


We had 40+ rigs show up to our RRORC run at Attica last month. Heck we had 31 rigs run our night run. Your not gonna please everyone. I would try to cater to as many people as you can to make it an anniversary run. If nothing else, we can set another time to come to Attica for a spring/fall run. Like I said before, I would take responsibilty of setting up camping, night run, discounts etc..... for that run if needed.

It also seems to me like all the "original" explorers (mostly west coasters) are the ones that go to this anniversary run, which is usually out west. All the "newbie" explorers want something closer to the middle or east coast. I have been on this site for 4 years now and all the big runs have been out west. Rick came to Attica 3 years ago and had a blast.

how many trails at badlands could be run by a rig like mine? (easliy, im not too fond of breakage...i mean i guess i COULD run alot of things...but not without damage, im sure you get my drift)

slravene said:
how many trails at badlands could be run by a rig like mine? (easliy, im not too fond of breakage...i mean i guess i COULD run alot of things...but not without damage, im sure you get my drift)

I ran the entire Green trail and parts of the Orange with my '99 when I only had a 2" BL and 31" M/Ts. My first run was at the Badlands when Rick came out and I had a blast even though I had the least built rig.


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You can do quite abit...may have some battle scars on your rockers but not like your gonna taco your rig haha

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