Shifter won't go past drive. Cannot put it in 1st 2nd | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Shifter won't go past drive. Cannot put it in 1st 2nd


New Member
October 16, 2016
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2001 sport 4.0 sohc
Already repaired the thumb wheel and checked the t30 bolts while I was in there. Took the column apart and the shaft isn't broken but cannot fighre out why it won't go past drive. All this I did after reading this amazing forum but can't find any information to help me any ideas? Thanks in advance

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I moved your thread to our Sport Trac subforum. Hopefully the right folks will see it here and be able to help.

It's a explorer sport but I was curious how much it has in common with the sport trac seeing how it looks so much like them

Thanks for moving it. I actually realized I posted in the wrong category and reposted it under the second generation forum

My pointer was broke. Fixed it with a zip tie. Dave P.

OP, does the transmission not go into gear properly or are you just concerned about the pointer?

The pointer is fixed the shifter itself won't select anything below drive. I'm sure it's the linkage sometimes gotta pull up on shifter before it'll crank over tried to roll in park today

The pointer is fixed the shifter itself won't select anything below drive. I'm sure it's the linkage sometimes gotta pull up on shifter before it'll crank over tried to roll in park today

Yes. it seems like it's probably something to do with the cable. It attaches to the transmission on the driver's side to a bell-crank. it also works the neutral safety switch, which is why you're having to pull up on the shifter to get it to start. If you get your front wheels up on a curb and crawl under the driver's, side toward the front of the driver's door, you will be able to see where the cable attaches to the bell-crank and if anything looks amiss. Be sure to put the parking brake on or chock the wheels before crawling under there since you can't rely on it being in PARK. It sounds like it should be something that's relatively easy to fix and not anything to do with the transmission itself. IIRC there's a black plastic clip that allows for adjustment on the shift cable at the transmission.

Thanks for the reply I'm hoping it's easy and cheap and not that it needs a new cable.... I'll post what I find in a couple days
