Small, unplanned set back | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Small, unplanned set back

So I was removing my side steps the other day and like always I ended up with more then I can chew in one sitting. As I was under my Eddie on the driver side I kept hitting the parking brake line with my ratchet trying to dismantle the steps. I took a two second brake due to the amount of dirt and sh*t falling down. As normal with me, my eyes wondered around locking in on the cable split for the brake. I followed to one cable on to the driver's rear only to find that the cable has snapped before the brake.

It is kinda scary because right before then I was under the other side with my truck up on a jack while I 'thought' I applied the PB, but it really wasn't.

Not much of an whoops per say, but it could have been a bad day if the truck shifted in anyway.

BTW, sorry for the large photo. I keep forgetting my iPhone shoots in 1600 x 1200.

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happened to my 2000 never fixed it even after i went manual. i just used a peice of wood as a ebrake

That's what I plan on doing also. ;)

i havent had an e brake for a while now... cables were to short

Haha. The only times I used it was on the trip at the washout and on my Grandmother's driveway (it's like parking on a slanted roof).

That's what I plan on doing also. ;)

were do you get yours inspected? I need to go there. lol It shouldn't pass inspection with a broken ebrake cable. I have a friend with a van that needs a lickem and stickem inspection sticker.
