Snow Whoops | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Snow Whoops

I was headed to my buddies to watch the penguins game on wednesday and it was pretty snowy out. Not too much on the roads, but maybe 10 or so inches on the ground. He lives next to a self storage facility and that's where i normally park. As I was pulling to the side to park I pulled a little to far over. There is a sharp drop off at the side of the lot. The snow plow had pushed snow over that drop and in the dark it appeared to be part of the lot....not so much. My car slid sideways off the lot into the snow bank. It was so far tilted I had to have someone hold my door so I could get out. After getting my buddies to stand on the high side of my car in the door jam to prevent it from rolling over I got it out. I didn't even need pushed out. I put it in low range, moved around, tried a few different ways to get out until I found the best exit. I decided to get the car down the drop off and drive into the storage place's yard and up his yard in the snow between some bushes, without getting stuck in the deep snow. Luckily I didn't damage anything, not even a scratch from the pine tree I was basically inside of and tore a limb from.

Wish I would have gotten more pictures. This was after I got it backed out a little bit, so I could turn the car and drive down into the yard. It was probably tilted over near a 45% angle.


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the fun of wheeling at night! LOL even if you weren't planning on wheeling at the time!

Hahah, yeah. 4 wheel drive still works great. We will just say I was testing it out.

It's important to test your 4WD anyway- why not there? :D


Lucky there mate!!:thumbsup:

Pens? Boo! Go ducks!!! :)

I thought snow whoops were called moguls :dunno:
