starting 5.0 swap-- 99 5.0 to 01 4.0 ST | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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starting 5.0 swap-- 99 5.0 to 01 4.0 ST

I am looking for the same information.
I would like to keep my dash switch for the TC but I would also like to swap the heated mirrors over that would require the defrost button in the bezel.

Some mornings are frosty in Winnipeg and snow can get sticky, heated mirrors are nice!

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I don’t mine putting in a floor shifter as I rarely ever put in 4x4. And I saw that it’s quit involved to modified an electric 4406 shift to ours. Like make your circuit board and crap. Too much for me. Plus the floor shifter doesnt look bad

The F150's are the best bet for the manual BW4406's, F250 also maybe. The electric shift version(BW 4406 TOD) is mainly in Expeditions and Navigators, 1998 to about 2003).

I don’t mine putting in a floor shifter as I rarely ever put in 4x4. And I saw that it’s quit involved to modified an electric 4406 shift to ours. Like make your circuit board and crap. Too much for me. Plus the floor shifter doesnt look bad

The same V6 shift controls will operate the BW 4406 TOD just like it does the BW 4405 you have now. The bezel switch and GEM of a Sport Trac might not be identical(I think they are), if not then the 98-01 GEM and bezel will work for you. That's my understanding from reading here, my truck will be the normal 98 Explorer stuff. But I'll have to add the power wires for the 4WD from the engine bay to the dash. The rest is in all Explorers, just not the main 4WD power source in 302 models.

Interesting. I thought I had read that the 4406 wouldn’t work with the existing wiring. Something with the motors not using the same movement

They are a direct system swap for the 95-01's, the Sport Tracs I've just read Ford made slight changes in the GEM and some dash components(PATS etc). That may have nothing to do with the 4WD system, it might be the same for all of those.

There was a thread I watched and posted in, about altering the bezel switch to activate the mechanical 4WD HI function. In these early Control Trac systems, the 4WD HI does not use the shift motor, it gets the 4WD by simply grabbing the electromagnetic clutch inside the TC. That full mechanical 4WD HI did exist in the 98 Expedition and later, the switch has a different set of resistance circuits in it, plus another position(2WD). I hope to eventually make that switch work, to get the 2WD at least.

Most sport trac's and Rangers come 2wd/4x4/4low. They do not have the auto 4wd selection so a torque on demand case from an expedition wouldnt be plug and play. You need one from an F150 with the same style switch.

Or you can swap the GEM and add the TOD circuit. I'll be honest I like my manual shifter too much to rely on electronics.

Thanks, I thought there might be a difference, I didn't recall seeing that to learn it. That makes at least three combinations of the electric shifting TC's. I'm not thrilled with the automatic engaging of the TC, the TOD, in my 99 V6 truck.

But I need the 4WD to engage automatically or else AWD, for the power level I'm aiming for. I'm not sure the TOD clutch will be reliable for constant use, and having the TC locked in 4WD with the shift motor, may not be so great on a regular basis. For mine I figured to use the 98-01 switch and run it with the A4WD to start, see how that works out.

For the Sport Trac and Rangers, if the wiring is the same but the switch and GEM differ(with the same number of wires(circuits)), swapping the 98-01 switch could work, if the 98-01 GEM is possible to run in the Sport Trac and Rangers. Has anyone swapped the GEM between those before?

So I’m not seeing anything that says go to the junk yard and bolt this in. Seems like logical guessing but not definetally going to work.

I’d want to be able to use the switch but seems like the floor shifter is the only guarnteed working option

That being said. If I find an F150 95-01 that has a 2wd/4hi/4low that may work??

So I’m not seeing anything that says go to the junk yard and bolt this in. Seems like logical guessing but not definetally going to work.

I’d want to be able to use the switch but seems like the floor shifter is the only guarnteed working option

That being said. If I find an F150 95-01 that has a 2wd/4hi/4low that may work??

If I were doing this conversion I'd prefer to have the floor shifter. I think it looks cool and it's fool proof.

Most sport trac's and Rangers come 2wd/4x4/4low. They do not have the auto 4wd selection so a torque on demand case from an expedition wouldnt be plug and play. You need one from an F150 with the same style switch.

Or you can swap the GEM and add the TOD circuit. I'll be honest I like my manual shifter too much to rely on electronics.

Do you know if anyone has installed the BW 4406 TOD version into a Ranger or Sport Trac like that(and not changed the GEM etc)? If the transfer cases in those had the same shift motor and thus shift positions in the TC, that should work with the BW4406.

Check the shift motor model from the Sport Trac, if it's the same as the 91-01 Explorer V6 TC shift motors, I'd expect the BW4406 would result in the same 2wd/4x4/4low functions. That's why it works in the 95-01 Explorers, the shift motor is the same, and commands the same positions inside the TC.

I havent seen one yet and you'd still be missing the whole TOD circuit in the truck. Its definitely possible as there is room behind the 4406 case in the ranger / sport trac for the shift motor but I've never researched much beyond the manual shift 4406.

My f250 4x4 shift motor is slow to get out of low range often and I can't wait to find a good deal on a manual shift case. It can take 2 minutes of reverse to neutral to drive to neutral to get it to pop out and I've cleaned and lubed up all I can. It's also a pavement princess with just over 150k and 2" larger than stock tires and most of the time I baby the truck. It probably would work better if I used 4x4 more but I don't need it rarely ever.

My thought is if the shift motors are the same, why not put the 4406 in and leave out the TOD, run it like the stock TC, with just 2WD/4WDhi/4WDlow? Wouldn't that be an easier swap.

I understand about lack of use making some things unreliable or hit or miss. Owning multiple vehicles often means some cars suffer from too much parking time. The manual 4WD TC would be the sure thing and avoid possible electrical issues, and the shift motors get sketchy when older.

Wow that was a lot of helpful information quick!
I think trying to add the TOC has too much potential for unsuccessful time spent.
I probably should just do a manual shift but I would like to entertain the option.
In the 5.0 99 AWD the plug that would go to the 4wd switch is clipped into the bezel.
I’m going to try and find it in the wire schematic see where it terminates, my guess is the harnes was used for different variations and isn’t complete.

The harness should be complete. They all used the same one to save production costs, and the things that are unused are plugged into the dummy clips, just like the 4wd switch.

An F150 4406 case would have the identical shift motor functions without the TOD added on. Just avoid a 4406 out of an expedition and you should be good.

My 4406 was out of an F-150, can't remember year. I didn't want to go manual for a couple of reasons. One is I didn't want to cut a hole in the floor. The other is I did a 4406 manual in a Mountaineer I had and I didn't like having the lever rubbing my leg.

Found this list. So i'm assuming anything without TOD will work I like the 04-08 f150, I can get one from an 05 and I'm pretty sure the switch is 2wd/4hi/4lo

Ford F150 Manual Shift w/o Torque on Demand 1996-1998
Ford F150 Electric Shift w/o Torque on Demand 1996-1998
Ford F150 Electric Shift with Torque on Demand 1997-2003
Ford F150 Exc. Heritage Electric Shift w/o Torque on Demand 2004-2008
Ford F150 AWD 31 Spline Input, 32 Spline Rear Slip 2006-2008
Ford F250 Manual Shift w/o Torque on Demand, Shift on Fly 1996-1998
Ford F250 Electric Shift w/o Torque on Demand 1996-2003
Ford F250 Electric Shift with Torque on Demand 1997-1998
Ford F250 Exc. Heritage Electric Shift w/o Torque on Demand 2004-2008
Ford Expedition Electric Shift with Torque on Demand 1997-1998
Ford Expedition Electric Shift w/o Torque on Demand 1999-2002
Lincoln Navigator Shift with Torque on Demand 1998-2002

finally making some progress. 4.0 is out of the trac and on the ground.


does any one have a link on the abs gsensor thing? I'm going to start extending the 42 pin plug and wanted to figure out the abs as well. I see mention of the sensor in other 5.0 swaps but no mention of how to wire it in.

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It seems to get wired into the ABS Module.

Printer command acting funny I cant seem to print anything
